Restric ng Opera on
The control can be restricted to prevent unwanted use or temperature adjustments. Locking
the Panel prevents the controller from being used, but all automa c func ons are s ll ac ve.
Locking the Se ngs allows Jets and other features to be used, but the Set Temperature and
other programmed se ngs cannot be adjusted. Se ngs Lock allows access to a reduced se-
lec on of menu items. These include Filter Cycles, Invert, Informa on and Fault Log. They can
be seen, but not changed or edited.
Panel Locked and Se ngs Unlocked
Locking / Unlocking
The same steps are used to Lock and Unlock. To
lock either Se ngs or Panel first select the
Se ngs (if it says “Unlocked”) or Panel (if it says
“Unlocked”), then press the word “Lock” for 5
seconds. To unlock either Se ngs or Panel first
select the Se ngs (if it says “Locked”) or Panel
(if it says “Locked”), then press the word “Lock”
for at least 5 seconds.
Press here for 5 seconds to lock or unlock