background image



Caressing water to pamper your body and relax your mind.Ex-
cellent against stress, the hydromassage helps relieve muscle ten-
sion and improves your mood.

To start the hydromassage:


This function is activated by pressing the “


” key 


in some models, with the key 




“hydro with heater”


“hydro +blower with heater”


models, the first time the key is pressed starts the pump at a 
low speed 

(if not already on to heat the water or for filtration)

the second time starts the high speed, and the third time 
turns it off.



“hydro with heat exchanger”

 models, the hydromassage 

pump is turned on by the key 

 whereas the key “


the filtering pump on and off 

(if not already on to heat the wa-

ter or for filtering)




“hydro+blower with heat exchanger”

 models, the op-

eration is as follows:


-  the first time the key is pressed turns on the filtering pump 

(if not already on to heat the water or for filtering)



- the second press turns on the hydro pump;


-  the third time the key is pressed turns off the filtering pump 

(not available while heating the water or filtering)


-  the third press turns off the hydro pump; 


In “


 models, the key 

 turns the filtering pump on 

and off 

(if not already on to heat the water or for filtering)



The function lasts 20 minutes, but it can be turned off earlier 

by pressing the same key again.




if the energy limiter has been activated (see the installation 

manual), turning on the hydromassage pump to full speed, will 
switch off the heater if it is on.


Suggestions for use

The heart of the hydromassage of the spas is a system of hydrojets. 
They are designed to stimulate various parts of the body depending 
on where they are positioned. There are soft, gentle jets to enjoy true 
relaxation, or more energizing jets to rest and revitalize.


These nozzles act on the most sensitive 

areas of the neck and back with a con-
stant, ultra-intense jet that eliminates 
muscular tension. it is possible to adjust 
the direction of the nozzle (but turning 
it) as well as its flow rate (turning the 
outer ring nut).

The rotating motion of these nozzles ex-
pands and contracts the flow of water, 
creating a soft, pulsating massage.
The outer ring nut is used to control the 
intensity of the jet.

This type of nozzle provides a direct and 
decisive massage; ideal for fighting fa-
tigue and relieving stress and tension.
The outer ring nut is used to control the 
intensity of the jet.

This type of jet provides a powerful hy-
dromassage, ideal for the back and lum-
bar region.
The outer ring nut is used to control the 
intensity of the jet.


Summary of Contents for lodge M

Page 1: ...e CONSERVARE CON CURA Use Maintenance KEEP CAREFULLY Utilisation Entretien CONSERVER AVEC SOIN Bedienung und Wartung SORGF LTIG AUFBEWAHREN Uso Mantenimiento CONSERVAR CON CUIDADO lodge M L S lodge PE...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...termica 13 Manutenzionestraordinaria 13 Messa a riposo invernale 13 Manutenzione delle parti in legno sintetico 14 Manutenzione del Clearray 14 Index Preliminarychecks 15 Usersafety 15 Warnings 15 Hy...

Page 4: ...aordinaire 31 Mise au repos hivernale 31 Entretien des parties en bois synth tique 32 Entretien du Clearray 32 Inhaltsverzeichnis VorbereitendeMa nahmen 33 Betriebssicherheit 33 WichtigeHinweise 33 Hy...

Page 5: ...ientodelagua 48 Bloqueodelteclado 48 Condicionesdefuncionamientoan malo Indicacionesdealarmas 48 Mantenimientoordinario 49 Mantenimiento de los filtros de cartucho 49 Mantenimiento de la cubierta t rm...

Page 6: ...declina ogni responsabilit per danni derivanti dalla non osservanza delle se guenti disposizioni L utilizzo di questa apparecchiatura consentito a bambini di 8 o pi anni di et e a persone con ridotte...

Page 7: ...mente fermate Non si devono usare apparecchiature elettriche radio asciugacapelli ecc in prossimit della spa a meno che que sta non sia vuota Non togliere le griglie di protezione dalle bocchette di a...

Page 8: ...a pompa di filtrazione se non gi attiva per il riscaldamento dell acqua o la filtrazione X La funzione dura 20 minuti ma pu essere disattivata prima ripremendo lo stesso tasto NOTA se stato attivato i...

Page 9: ...9 Q I getti sono dislocati in sedute progettate per sviluppare un percorso di benessere in cui si alternano massaggio di diversa intensit e pause di relax LodgeM LodgeL LodgeS...

Page 10: ...sequenze e tutto con la semplice pressione di un pulsante X Premete il tasto Light per azionare il faro situato sulla parete della vasca si accende il led rispettivo NOTA in alcuni modelli presente u...

Page 11: ...Down per diminuirlo X Premendo nuovamente il tasto Light viene confermato il valore scelto e si passa quindi alla programmazione del ritardo d inizio rispetto all ora 0 del ciclo parametro sy dove y i...

Page 12: ...l display viene visualizzato il valore della temperatura dell acqua Condizionidifunzionamentoanomalo segnalazionediallarmi La presenza di un allarme viene segnalata sul display che riporta il codice r...

Page 13: ...gliere eventuali sedimenti quali foglie capelli ecc X Controllare i filtri periodicamente con un uso normale della spa opportuno controllarli almeno una volta alla settimana i fil tri otturati non man...

Page 14: ...i funzionamento Primo avviamento X In zone dove le temperature scendono solo occasionalmen te sotto i 0 C la spa pu anche essere tenuta in funzione poich dotata di una protezione antigelo che garantis...

Page 15: ...s equipment may be used by children above the age of 8 or individuals with limited motor sensorial and or cognitive abilities only if supervised and only if they have the knowl edge necessary to use t...

Page 16: tub if it is not empty Do not remove the protective grilles from the suction in takes Do not start the hot tub if the protective grilles are broken or missing In this event contact an authorized J...

Page 17: ...if not already on to heat the water or for filtering X The function lasts 20 minutes but it can be turned off earlier by pressing the same key again NOTE if the energy limiter has been activated see t...

Page 18: ...18 Q The jets are located in seats designed to develop a wellness course in which massages with different levels of intensity are alternated with relaxing pauses LodgeM LodgeL LodgeS...

Page 19: ...water with an infi nite combination of colours mixed in just as many sequences and all with the simple press of a button X Press the key Light to activate the spotlight located on the wall of the tub...

Page 20: ...sired value If the display is equipped with two separate keys press the key Up to increase the value or the key Down to decrease it X Press the Light key once again to confirm the selected value and t...

Page 21: ...ain hot tub functions pump light and blower where provided where this function is active X To disable this function simply press these same keys for ap proximately 5 seconds The water temperature valu...

Page 22: ...f the hot tub it is advisable to clean the filters at least once a week clogged fil ters cannot keep the water clean they also compromise proper operation of the system CAUTION Never clean the hot tub...

Page 23: ...tub can be left in operation since it is equipped with an anti freeze protection that ensures that a minimum water tempera ture is maintained seethechapter Settingwatertemperature which containsparagr...

Page 24: ...NS SUIVANTES Jacuzzi Europe S p A d cline toute responsabilit en cas de dommages d rivant du non respect des dispo sitions suivantes L utilisation de cet appareil n est permise aux enfants de 8 ans ou...

Page 25: ...s Ne pas utiliser d objets qui pourraient se casser ou simple ment fragiles pendant l utilisation du spa Pendant l utilisation du spa tenir la t te le corps et les v te ments une distance d au moins 4...

Page 26: ...e fois la pompe idro s teint Sur les mod les blower la touche allume et teint la pompe de filtration si pas d j active pour le chauffage de l eau ou la filtration X La fonction dure 20 minutes mais pe...

Page 27: ...27 Q Les jets sont plac s sur des si ges con us pour r aliser un parcours de bien tre en alternant des massages de diff rentes intensit s des pauses de relaxation LodgeM LodgeL LodgeS...

Page 28: ...ut moyennant une simple pression du bouton X Appuyer sur la touche Light pour allumer le spot situ sur la paroi de la vasque la led correspondante s allume REMARQUE certainsmod lessont quip sd unspot...

Page 29: ...touche jusqu atteindre la valeur souhait e Si l cran est dot de deux touches s par es appuyer sur la touche Up pour augmenter la valeur ou sur la touche Down pour la diminuer X Appuyer de nouveau sur...

Page 30: ...tous les cas possible d ac tionner les fonctions principales du spa pompe spot et blower si pr vu X Pour d sactiver cette fonction il suffit d appuyer simultan ment sur les m mes touches pendant envir...

Page 31: ...x etc X Contr ler p riodiquement les filtres Lors de l utilisation habi tuelle du spa il convient de contr ler les filtres au moins une fois par semaine les filtres obstru s ne sont plus en mesure d a...

Page 32: ...ement Premi re mise en marche X Dans les r gions o les temp ratures ne descendent que rare ment sous 0 C la spa peut rester en service vu qu elle est dot e d une protection antigel qui garantit le mai...

Page 33: ...URCHLESEN Jacuzzi Europe S p A lehnt jede Haftung f r Sch den ab die durch Nichtbeachtung der folgendenVorschrif ten entstehen Der Gebrauch dieses Ger ts ist Kindern ab 8 Jahren sowie Personen mit ein...

Page 34: ...zusammenbinden und feststecken Im Nahbereich des Spas d rfen keine elektrischen Ger te Radio F hn usw verwendet werden es sei denn er ist leer Die Schutzgitter der Saugd sen d rfen nicht entfernt wer...

Page 35: ...oder Fil tern des Wassers aktiv ist X Die Funktion dauert 20 Minuten kann aber auch vorzeitig durch Dr cken derselben Taste beendet werden HINWEIS Wenn der Strombegrenzer aktiviert ist siehe Installa...

Page 36: ...36 Q Die D sen sind so angeordnet dass sie einen Weg des Wohlbefindens bilden an dem sich Massagen mit unterschiedlicher Intensit t und Relax Pausen abwechseln LodgeM LodgeL LodgeS...

Page 37: ...sers mit unz hligen Farbkombinationen bereichern die wiederum mit ebenso vielen Farbfolgen gemischt werden all dies mit einem einfachen Tastendruck X Zum Einschalten des Strahlers die Taste Light an d...

Page 38: ...n benutzen um die gew nschte Dau er einzugeben vom mindestens 0 bis maximal 12 Stunden ANM bis zum Erreichen des gew nschten Wertes die Taste ge dr ckt halten Wenn das Display zwei getrennte Tasten ha...

Page 39: ...eren dieser Funktion m ssen erneut gleichzei tig dieselben Tasten etwa 5 Sekunden lang gedr ckt werden Auf dem Display erscheint dann wieder derWert derWassertem peratur AnomaleBetriebsbedingungen Ala...

Page 40: ...elm ig berpr fen bei normalem Gebrauch des Spas sollten sie mindestens einmal w chentlich kontrolliert wer den verstopfte Filter k nnen nicht die gute Wasserqualit t erhal ten und beeintr chtigen die...

Page 41: ...nd erste Inbetriebnahme nachlesen X In Gegenden in denen die Temperatur nur gelegentlich unter 0 C sinkt kann der Spa auch in Funktion bleiben da er ber einen Frostschutz verf gt welcher die Beibehalt...

Page 42: ...epuestos originales ADVERTENCIAS LEA DETENIDAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES ADVERTENCIAS Jacuzzi Europe S p A declina toda responsabilidad por da os derivados del incumplimiento de las siguientes disposiciones...

Page 43: ...las melenas se deben recoger oportunamente No se deben usar aparatos el ctricos radios secadores de pelo etc cerca de la spa si sta no est vac a No quite las rejillas de protecci n de las boquillas d...

Page 44: ...elos blower el bot n enciende y apaga la bomba de filtraci n si no est ya activada para el calenta miento del agua o la filtraci n X La funci n dura 20 minutos pero se puede desactivar antes volviendo...

Page 45: ...45 Q Los chorros est n distribuidos por asientos dise ados para crear un recorrido de bienestar en el que se alternan masajes de diversa intensidad y pausas de relax LodgeM LodgeL LodgeS...

Page 46: por led es posible enriquecer el efecto regenerador del agua con infinitas combinaciones de color mezcladas en otras tantas secuen cias y todo ello con solo pulsar un bot n X Pulse el bot n Light p...

Page 47: ...p Down para introducir la duraci n de seada entre un m nimo de 0 y un m ximo de 12 horas NOTA mantengapulsadoelbot nhastaalcanzarelvalordeseado Si la pantalla tiene dos botones separados pulse el bot...

Page 48: ...nci n se pueden accionar de todos modos las funciones principales de la minipiscina bomba foco y blower si est instalado X Para desactivar esta funci n solo hay que pulsar simult nea mente las mismas...

Page 49: ...imo el skimmer para quitar los posibles sedimentos tales como hojas pelo etc X Compruebe los filtros peri dicamente Con el uso normal de la spa conviene comprobar los filtros al menos una vez a la se...

Page 50: ...X En zonas en las que las temperaturas descienden solo de manera ocasional por debajo de los 0 C puede mantenerse la spa en funcionamiento ya que est dotada de una protecci n anti hielo que garantiza...

Page 51: ...51 X Jacuzzi X X X Jacuzzi Europe S p A Jacuzzi Europe S p A 8 40 C 38 C 40 C 35 36 C spa 38 C spa spa 10 15 spa spa spa...

Page 52: ...52 spa spa spa spa spa 40 spa spa Jacuzzi spa spa...

Page 53: ...53 X Pump idro idro blower idro idro blower blower X 20 Q spa...

Page 54: ...54 Q LodgeM LodgeL LodgeS...

Page 55: ...55 X Blower X 20 X X Light X X 2 Cromodream...

Page 56: ...56 Sunlight Relax Clearray X Clearray 40 Clearray X Light 5 dx x X Up Down 0 12 Up Down X Light 0 sy y 0 spa 4 4 spa 0 s X 0 23 Up Down Light Boost idro idro blower X 5 Pump boo...

Page 57: ...57 X 45 Clearray X Up Down X Up Down 15 C 40 C 59 104 F Up Down X 5 SmartWinter spa ICE X 5 Loc spa blower X 5 X FLO Jacuzzi X HOH 48 C 118 F spa Jacuzzi X Ho spa spa 43 C 109 F spa Jacuzzi...

Page 58: ...58 X H2O X rPF Jacuzzi X HPF spa Jacuzzi X spa X spa spa Jacuzzi X X spa X X Jacuzzi X spa...

Page 59: ...59 X X 0 C spa X X spa spa 0 C X X spa X spa X 0 C SmartWinter spa Clearray Clearray...

Page 60: ...ights reserved JUNE 2016 JACUZZI EUROPE S p A Socio Unico Direzione e Coordinamento Jacuzzi Brands Corp USA S S Pontebbana km 97 200 33098 Valvasone Arzene PN ITALIA Phone 39 0434 859111 Fax 39 0434 8...
