CM-140GE / -RA/-UV / CB-140GE / -RA
- 16 -
If the HIGH duration needs to be delayed against incoming trigger, the start point should be set at
“N“. The delay value is N x (1/ 25000).
In the above example, N is “0” which is no delay.
The length, in this case, is 102 clocks.
These settings can be achieved by JAI Control tool which is the part of JAI SDK.
6.2. Opto-isolated Inputs/Outputs
The control interface of the C3 GigE Vision camera series has opto-isolated inputs and outputs,
providing galvanic separation between the camera's inputs/outputs and peripheral equipment. In
addition to galvanic separation, the opto-isolated inputs and outputs can cope with a wide range
of voltages; the voltage range for inputs is +3.3V to +24V DC whereas outputs will 5V to
+24V DC.
The figure below shows the functional principle (opto-coupler) of the opto-isolated inputs/outputs.
Fig.9 Opto-coupler