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The combinations of source signals and output destinations are indicated in the following.
: Indicates default values for each selector.
Camera Output Formats
The GO-5100MP-USB supports the following output formats.
*1) When VideoProcessBypassMode is enabled, PixelFormat can be set to Mono12 or Mono12Packed.
In this case, the image output mode of the camera will be fixed to the RawImage mode.
For details, see "12-bit Output" section.
*2) PixelFormat is switched to BayerRG8, BayerRG10, or BayerRG10Packed automatically depending
on the output mode setting (PolarizeImageSelector) of the camera. For details, see the "Camera
Image Output Modes" section.
Mono8, Mono10, Mono10packed
*1) Mono12, Mono12Packed
*2) BayerRG8, BayerRG10, BayerRG10Packed