User Manual (Ver. 1.0) - Preparation
GOX-5105MC-PGE | GOX-8105MC-PGE | GOX-12405MC-PGE | GOX-16205MC-PGE | GOX-20405MC-PGE | GOX-24505MC-PGE
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Adjust the Gain
Adjust the image quality using the gain and white balance functions. The Visibility must be changed
from Beginner to
For details on the Gain control, see
in the Main Functions chapter.
Manual Adjustment
1. Expand
, and set GainAuto to
(Default = Off).
2. Select the gain you want to configure in GainSelector. AnalogAll (master gain), DigitalRed*
(digital R gain), and DigitalBlue* (digital B gain) can be configured.
3. Configure the Gain.
DigitalAll (master gain) can be set to a value from x1 to x126 the analog gain value. The
resolution is set in about 0.1dB steps. Values are configured by multipliers.
The DigitalRed* (digital R gain) and DigitalBlue* (digital B gain) can be set to a value from
x0.447 to x5.624. Values are configured by multipliers.
*Color models only.