RM/TM-4200GE Series
Hardware Introduction
Electronic shutter
The TM-4200GE has a substrate drain-type shutter mechanism which provides superb pictures at various
speeds without smearing.
Asynchronous reset
The TM-4200GE captures async reset images and provides single-shot video output with single FDV (frame
data valid). The TM-4200GE’s asynchronous reset is flexible and accepts external horizontal drive (HD) for
phase locking. When the VINIT (5V) pulse is applied to CC1, it resets the camera's scanning and purging of
the CCD.
The TM-4200GE has three modes to control the asynchronous reset and shutter speed:
Async no shutter: The video signal and FDV are reset by external VINIT.
Internal shutter speed control: The speed control varies from 1/15 to 1/16,000 sec. The video signal
and FDV starts with internal V reset timing related to shutter speed.
External VINIT with pulse width: The duration between pulse edges controls the shutter speed
The TM-4200GE has a dual-tap 12-bit/10-bit/8-bit Gigabit Ethernet output.
Dual-channel auto black level balancing and semi-auto gain balancing
The TM-4200GE, as a dual-tap output camera, has auto black level balancing and semi-auto gain balancing
Please contact your factory representative for details about the warranty.