•Plocing ar immersing burners still hot in cold water moy cause them to worp (worping);
•Be ve
coreful when cleoning the table without the burners, do nol drop lint or debris on the gas conductors;
•Moke sure oll burners ore instolled correctly. Peor fil con domoge burners or impoir performonce;Cleoning the
base of burners ond spreoders should be done periodicolly with worm soopy water ond neutral dishwoshing
detergen!. Before you relate them in place, d
them thoroughly, moke sure they ore oll cleon ond d
, ond moke
sure they ore oll securely in place. Light !he burners ond let them on for obout l minute to ensure complete d
•Oxidotion points moy occur al the bottom ond in the burner spreoder holes. The por! moy still show o chonge in
color from the use of the product. These oxidotion points ond color chonge do nol interfere with product
•Avo id spilling food on the burners during cooking. lf this occurs immediotely ofter use, ollow them to cool ond wipe
with domp cloths, os prolonged use of the burners contoining food residues will moke cleoning ve
•Do not leove burner ports immersed in water with detergen! for more thon l O minutes;
•Keep the electronic ignition plugs of the burners cleon ond free from residues.
Table cleaning and care
• To cleon the burner table, remove the burners (grids) ond keep the burners in place. T his procedure ovoids the drop
of residues on the gas nozzles;
•Cleoning should olwoys be done with the cold gloss table;
•Use only mild soop or detergen!, sponge or soft cloth, poper towel ond water;
•Never use steel strow or object tip (knife / fork) to remove ony dirt or impregnoted residue;
well ofter eoch cleoning, ovoiding stoins;
•Do not leove cleoning products troces on the table;
•Avoid spilling liquids, in cose of immediote cleoning;
•Be coreful nol to drop objects on the gloss table os it moy crack or break;
•Do no! use the gloss table os o cutting surfoce.
ATTENTION: lf the surface is broken, turn off the power to avaid passible electric shock.
Oven Cleaning and care
To cleon the grids, sides, top ond bottom of the oven, ollow the product lo cool down. Use cloths or sponges with
soop or neutral detergenls ofterwords, rinse well ond d
with o d
Do nat use abrasive cleaning materia Is, metal scrapers, and steam cleaners to clean oven door glass,
· table top gloss and other parts, as they may result in glass brea ka ge and general product dama ge.
Fer your sofety, the shelves ore designed lo lock when they reo ch the moximum opening (Fig. O).
To remove the shelves for cleoning, proceed os follows:
•Push the grill to the bottom;
•Lift it up to releose the coupling;
•Pull the grill out of the oven (Fig. P);
•To reploce the shelves, reverse the operotion.