background image










Ïðèøèâàíèå ïóãîâèö

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1  Âûáîð ñòðî÷êè: Ñ

2  Äëèíà ñòåæêà: ëþáàÿ

3  Íàòÿæåíèå íèòè: 3- 7

4  Ïðèæèìíàÿ ëàïêà: ëàïêà äëÿ çèã-çàãà À

5  Òðàíñïîðòåð òêàíè îòêëþ÷åí

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òàê, ÷òîáû èãëà ïðîõîäèëà ñêâîçü ïðîðåçü íà 

ëàïêå ïîïàäàëà â îòâåðñòèå ïóãîâèöû. 

Ïîâåðíèòå ìàõîâîå êîëåñî è ïðîâåðüòå , âõîäèò 

ëè èãëà â îòâåðñòèå ïóãîâèöû.

Îïóñòèòå ïðèæèìíóþ ëàïêó, ÷òîáû çàêðåïèòü 

ïóãîâèöó íà ìåñòå.

Îòâåðñòèÿ â ïóãîâèöå äîëæíû ñîâïàäàòü ñ 

ïðîðåçüþ íà ëàïêå.

Ñâåðõó íà ëàïêó ïîëîæèòå áóëàâêó, ÷òîáû 

ñôîðìèðîâàòü íîæêó.

Ïðîâåðüòå, ÷òîáû èãëà ñìîãëà ïðîéòè ñêâîçü 

îáà îòâåðñòèÿ â ïóãîâèöå.

1  Áóëàâêà

Çàïðàâüòå íèòü â èãëó è ïðîøåéòå 10 ñòåæêîâ.

Îáðåæüòå îáå íèòè â íà÷àëå.

Ïîäíèìèòå ëàïêó è ñíèìèòå òêàíü.

Îáðåæüòå èãîëüíóþ è øïóëüíóþ íèòè, îñòàâëÿÿ 

õâîñòèêè ïî 20 ñì.

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òêàíüþ ÷åðåç îòâåðñòèå â ïóãîâèöå.

Ïîòÿíèòå çà èãîëüíóþ íèòü è ïîäõâàòèòå 

øïóëüíóþ, âûâåäèòå èõ íà ëèöåâóþ ñòîðîíó 


Çàìîòàéòå íèòè âîêðóã íîæêè è çàâÿæèòå èõ 


2  Èãîëüíàÿ íèòü

3  Øïóëüíàÿ íèòü


Ïî îêîí÷àíèè ïðèøèâàíèÿ ïóãîâèö ïîäêëþ÷èòå 

òðàíñïîðòåð òêàíè.










Ïåðåêëþ÷åíèå âûáîðà ñòðî÷åê


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ñ èçîáðàæåíèåì íóæíîé îïåðàöèè ñîâïàëî ñ 

èíäèêàöèîííîé ìåòêîé.

1  Ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü âûáîðà ñòðî÷åê

2  Èíäèêàöèîííàÿ ìåòêà


Íå ïîâîðà÷èâàéòå ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü âûáîðà 

ñòðî÷åê, åñëè èãëà íàõîäèòñÿ â òêàíè. Èãëà 

ìîæåò ñëîìàòüñÿ èëè ïîãíóòüñÿ.

Äëÿ âûáîðà ñòåæêîâ ñòðå÷, óñòàíîâèòå ðó÷êó 

äëèíû ñòåæêà íà «S.S»

3  Âèäû ñòðåé÷ ñòåæêà

Èçìåíåíèå äëèíû ñòåæêà

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èçìåíåíèé ïðè âûïîëíåíèè ïåòëè.

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äëèíû ñòåæêà íà S.S.

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« - », ÷òîáû ñæàòü

« + » ÷òîáû ðàñøèðèòü









Ïðèøèâàíèå ïóãîâèö

Óñòàíîâêà ìàøèíû

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2  Äëèíà ñòåæêà: ëþáàÿ

3  Íàòÿæåíèå íèòè: 3- 7

4  Ïðèæèìíàÿ ëàïêà: ëàïêà äëÿ çèã-çàãà À

5  Òðàíñïîðòåð òêàíè îòêëþ÷åí

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òàê, ÷òîáû èãëà ïðîõîäèëà ñêâîçü ïðîðåçü íà 

ëàïêå ïîïàäàëà â îòâåðñòèå ïóãîâèöû. 

Ïîâåðíèòå ìàõîâîå êîëåñî è ïðîâåðüòå , âõîäèò 

ëè èãëà â îòâåðñòèå ïóãîâèöû.

Îïóñòèòå ïðèæèìíóþ ëàïêó, ÷òîáû çàêðåïèòü 

ïóãîâèöó íà ìåñòå.

Îòâåðñòèÿ â ïóãîâèöå äîëæíû ñîâïàäàòü ñ 

ïðîðåçüþ íà ëàïêå.

Ñâåðõó íà ëàïêó ïîëîæèòå áóëàâêó, ÷òîáû 

ñôîðìèðîâàòü íîæêó.

Ïðîâåðüòå, ÷òîáû èãëà ñìîãëà ïðîéòè ñêâîçü 

îáà îòâåðñòèÿ â ïóãîâèöå.

1  Áóëàâêà

Çàïðàâüòå íèòü â èãëó è ïðîøåéòå 10 ñòåæêîâ.

Îáðåæüòå îáå íèòè â íà÷àëå.

Ïîäíèìèòå ëàïêó è ñíèìèòå òêàíü.

Îáðåæüòå èãîëüíóþ è øïóëüíóþ íèòè, îñòàâëÿÿ 

õâîñòèêè ïî 20 ñì.

Âûâåäèòå èãîëüíóþ íèòü ìåæäó ïóãîâèöåé è 

òêàíüþ ÷åðåç îòâåðñòèå â ïóãîâèöå.

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øïóëüíóþ, âûâåäèòå èõ íà ëèöåâóþ ñòîðîíó 


Çàìîòàéòå íèòè âîêðóã íîæêè è çàâÿæèòå èõ 


2  Èãîëüíàÿ íèòü

3  Øïóëüíàÿ íèòü


Ïî îêîí÷àíèè ïðèøèâàíèÿ ïóãîâèö ïîäêëþ÷èòå 

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ñ èçîáðàæåíèåì íóæíîé îïåðàöèè ñîâïàëî ñ 

èíäèêàöèîííîé ìåòêîé.

1  Ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü âûáîðà ñòðî÷åê

2  Èíäèêàöèîííàÿ ìåòêà


Íå ïîâîðà÷èâàéòå ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü âûáîðà 

ñòðî÷åê, åñëè èãëà íàõîäèòñÿ â òêàíè. Èãëà 

ìîæåò ñëîìàòüñÿ èëè ïîãíóòüñÿ.

Äëÿ âûáîðà ñòåæêîâ ñòðå÷, óñòàíîâèòå ðó÷êó 

äëèíû ñòåæêà íà «S.S»

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èçìåíåíèé ïðè âûïîëíåíèè ïåòëè.

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äëèíû ñòåæêà íà S.S.

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« - », ÷òîáû ñæàòü

« + » ÷òîáû ðàñøèðèòü



Selecting the Stitch Pattern

Raise the needle to its highest position.

Pattern selector dial
Turn the pattern selector dial to set the symbol of



desired stitch pattern at the setting mark.


 Pattern selector dial


 Setting mark


 Do not turn the pattern selector dial while the needle is 
  in the fabric, otherwise the needle may bend or break.

To select the stretch stitch patterns, set the stitch length 
dial at S.S.


 Stretch stitch patterns

Stitch Length Dial

Turn the stitch length dial to set the desired stitch length  
number at the setting mark.
The higher the number, the longer the stitch.
The “

” mark shows the adjustment range when 

sewing  the buttonhole.


 Stitch length dial


 Setting mark

Adjusting stretch stitch balance
If the stretch stitch patterns are uneven when you sew 
on a particular fabric, correct them by turning the stitch 
length dial.

If the patterns are drawn out, correct them by setting the 
dial to the “–” side.

If the patterns are compressed, correct them by setting 
the dial to the “+” side.

Stitch Width Dial

Turn the stitch width dial to set the desired stitch width at 
the setting mark .
The higher the number, the wider the stitch width.


 Pattern selector dial


 Setting mark

 Raise the needle above the fabric, when you turn the
 stitch width dial.








Summary of Contents for E1019


Page 2: ...asp the plug not the cord 10 Keep fingers away from all moving parts Special care is required around the sewing machine needle and or cutting blade 11 Always use the proper needle plate The wrong plat...

Page 3: Pattern 13 Stitch Length Dial 13 Stitch Width Dial 13 Balancing Needle Thread Tension 14 SECTION 3 BASIC SEWING Straight Stitch Sewing 15 Changing the Sewing Direction 15 Use the Seam Guide 16 Turn...

Page 4: ...release button Thread tension dial Reverse stitch lever Stitch width dial Stitch length dial Pattern selector dial Presser foot Needle Needle clamp screw Foot holder Setscrew Carrying handle Handwheel...

Page 5: ...can be easily removed for free arm sewing The accessories can be stored in the table Detaching the table Pull the table away from the machine as illustrated Attaching the table Push the extension tab...

Page 6: ...rn off the power switch and unplug from the power supply when leaving the machine unattended when attaching or removing parts when cleaning the machine Do not place anything on the foot control otherw...

Page 7: ...machine will sew in reverse while the lever is pushed Dropping the Feed Dog The drop feed lever is located underneath the free arm bed on the front side of the machine To drop the feed dog push the l...

Page 8: ...g the foot Always use the proper foot for the selected pattern The wrong foot can cause the needle to break Do not push the lever down to prevent it from being broken To attach Place the desired press...

Page 9: ...he needle and the flat surface should be consistent Never use a blunt needle r Gap Fabric and Needle Chart For general sewing use needle size 11 75 or 14 90 A fine thread and needle should be used for...

Page 10: ...lustrated A Press the large spool holder firmly against the spool of thread q Large spool holder B For a small spool use the small spool holder w Small spool holder Removing the Bobbin z Push the hook...

Page 11: the bobbin winder spindle to the right v Hold the free end of the thread in your hand and start the machine Stop the machine when the bobbin has been wound a few layers and cut the thread close to...

Page 12: ...t side of the bobbin holder Draw the thread to the left sliding it between the tension spring blades w Front notch e Tension spring blade c Continue to draw the thread lightly until the thread slips i...

Page 13: ...up around the bottom of the thread guide plate Pull the thread up along the left channel w Right channel e Thread guide plate r Left channel c Firmly draw the thread from right to left over the thread...

Page 14: Needle Threader z Raise the needle to its highest position Pull down the needle threader knob as far as it will go x Turn the knob in the direction of the arrow in the illustration then insert hook...

Page 15: the desired stitch length number at the setting mark The higher the number the longer the stitch The mark shows the adjustment range when sewing the buttonhole r Stitch length dial t Setting mark A...

Page 16: on the right side top side of the fabric and the needle thread shows slightly on the wrong side bottom side of the fabric w Needle thread Top thread e Bobbin thread Bottom thread r Right side Top...

Page 17: ...nning of the seam first sew several stitches in reverse then sew forward Changing the Sewing Direction Stop the machine and turn the handwheel toward you to bring the needle down into the fabric Raise...

Page 18: ...ain a 5 8 1 6 cm seam allowance when sewing a corner When the fabric edge facing you lines up with the cornering guide as illustrated stop stitching and lower the needle into the fabric by turning the...

Page 19: ...dth 1 5 Simple zigzag stitching is widely used for overcasting sewing on buttons etc Adjust the stitch length to suit your sewing needs Overcasting Machine setting q Stitch pattern C w Presser foot Zi...

Page 20: ...a 1 6 cm 5 8 seam Trim the seam allowance after sewing It is also handy for darning and mending tears Knit Stitch Machine setting q Stitch pattern J w Presser foot Zigzag foot A e Thread tension 1 4...

Page 21: ...t to reinforce areas such as crotch and armhole seams Also use it when constructing items such as backpacks for extra strength Carefully guide the fabric while sewing as the fabric moves back and fort...

Page 22: ...tton should align with the slot of the foot A pin can be placed on the foot to form a shank Make sure to check if the needle enters into both holes in the button q Pin Re thread the needle and sew abo...

Page 23: ...h c Raise the needle to its highest position Set the pattern selector dial at Sew 5 stitches then stop sewing at a right stitch v Raise the needle to its highest position Set the pattern selector dial...

Page 24: ...nt of the foot to hold them tight q Spur w Forks x Draw both of needle and bobbin thread to the left Move the slider toward you so that the top mark r on the slider meets the start mark e e Spur r For...

Page 25: ...e right side pin B To sew the right side of zipper attach the zipper foot with the left side pin q Groove w Pin Fabric preparation z Add 3 8 1 cm to the zipper size This is the overall opening size q...

Page 26: margin edge and baste the zipper tape to the lower fabric layer Align zipper foot with margin edge Return thread tension and stitch length to original settings Sew a seam the entire length of zipp...

Page 27: ...s and sew a seam the entire length of the zipper tape Before reaching the slider stop the machine with needle in fabric and raise the foot Use seam ripper to open a few inches of basting stitch 3 Unst...

Page 28: ...c x Place the fabric so that the needle just pierces the folded edge when the needle comes over the extreme left side Lower the presser foot c Turn the screw to align the guide on the foot with the fo...

Page 29: ...foot A e Thread tension 1 4 r Stitch length S S t Stitch width 5 Choose a soft and lightweight fabric such as batiste gingham or challis Cut the fabric three times wider than the project width Increa...

Page 30: ...n into the fabric Raise the presser foot and pivot fabric to the right or left Pin Tucking Machine setting q Stitch pattern A w Presser foot Blind hemming foot G e Thread tension 3 6 r Stitch length 1...

Page 31: chiffon use a single layer with a tear away backing if necessary Decorative Stretch Stitches Machine setting q Stitch pattern A J w Presser foot Zigzag foot A e Thread tension 3 6 r Stitch length...

Page 32: ...der Cleaning the Hook Race and Feed Dog z Remove the presser foot and needle Remove screw on the needle plate with the screwdriver Remove the needle plate and take out the bobbin q Screw x Lift up the...

Page 33: ...3 Replacing the Bobbin Holder z Insert the bobbin holder into the hook race x Lift up the bobbin holder and remove it q Knob w Stopper c Replace the bobbin Attach the needle plate Tighten the screw fi...

Page 34: ...1 The needle is incorrectly inserted 2 The needle is bent or blunt 3 The needle and or thread are not suitable for the fabric being sewn 4 The needle thread is not threaded properly 5 A poor quality n...

Page 35: ......

Page 36: ...508 800 409 q EN...
