User Manual
5. Rotate the thread mast loops unti l they are
directly over the spol pins and fi rmly ti ghten
the Philip’s screw.
Opti onal Accessory: Horizontal Spool Pin
An opti onal horizontal spool pin is available for metallic and specialty threads wound on a spool
(not a cone).
To install the opti onal horizontal spool pin
1. Remove the nut and washer from the post.
Place washer over the threaded hole on the top
of machine.
2. Replace nut and screw the post into the
threaded hole. Tighten the nut to secure.
3. Place the clamp on the post and place
remaining pin in the clamp. Tighten the screw
to hold in place.
4. Elevate the end of the pin slightly above
horizontal to keep spool from falling off .
5. Thread the machine beginning at horizontal spool pin, bypassing the thread mast. When using
delicate threads with the Horizontal Spool Pin, skip thread guide A. Thread the top hole only of the
three-hole thread guide B, back to front. (See Right side view, items 2 and 3.)
6. Conti nue threading the machine as described in steps 3 through 6 in the secti on named Threading
Your Machine later in this manual.