User Manual
Sti tching Modes
The Quilt Maker Pro 16 enables you to choose between two modes of sti tch regulati on (Cruise and
Precision), or to choose manual sti tching.
Manual Sti tching Mode
When using the manual sti tching mode, the length of the sti tch is determined by how quickly or slowly you
move the machine around the quilt, in combinati on with the number of sti tches per minute (up to 1800)
you have selected. For a consistent sti tch length, move the machine at a consistent speed. Experiment with
diff erent combinati ons of quilti ng speed and sti tches per minute to fi nd what opti mally works for you.
To use manual sti tching mode
• Touch the
butt on and then specify the sti tches per minute (SPM) by pressing the plus (+) or
minus (–) butt ons on the screen or selecti ng one of the two boxes with a sti tches-per-minute preset.
Pressing the plus (+) or minus (–) butt ons on the screen to change the sti tches per minute has the
same eff ect as pressing the plus (+) or minus (–) butt ons on the handlebars while in Manual mode.
To confi gure the manual sti tching mode preset speeds
The manual mode preset speeds are two sti tches-per-minute speeds, up to 1800 sti tches per minute (SPM),
that are saved for quick access from the Main screen. Aft er you set the speeds, you can choose one of the
presets when in Manual sti tching mode and it becomes the current speed. Perhaps you want one speed
when doing overall quilti ng and another speed for micro quilti ng.