User Manual
Machine Quilting Tip: Quilting speed while in stitch-regulation mode
It is unlikely that you will move the Quilt Maker Pro 16 across the quilt too fast. However,
if you do, it will result in an overspeed conditi on if the machine can’t sti tch fast enough to
maintain sti tch regulati on. In this case the machine will run full speed, but the sti tches will
begin to elongate and/or become inconsistent unti l you slow down to where the machine
can keep up.
There are two sti tch regulati on modes: Cruise and Precision.
To use Cruise sti tch regulati on: (Cruise is the speed the machine will run as soon as the start butt on is
pressed; in other words the slowest the machine will go.)
• Touch the
butt on and then touch the
butt on.
Aft er you press the Start/Stop butt on on the handlebars, the machine immediately begins quilti ng
according to the sti tches-per-minute and sti tches-per-inch setti ngs. Similarly, as you bring your quilti ng to
a stop, the needle will conti nue sti tching at the cruise speed (sti tches per minute) unti l you press the stop
butt on on the handlebars. The minimum speed of the needle is dependent upon the sti tches-per-minute
setti ng you choose. Janome recommends beginning with a setti ng of 75. Begin moving the machine to
avoid sti tching in place for too long.
Machine Quilting Tip: When to use Cruise stitch regulation
The constant minimum sti tching speed featured in the Cruise sti tch regulati on is useful for
precise placement of sti tching, such as when backtracking along the tops of feathers or
when creati ng sharp points, such as the point of a star or the bott om of a heart.
Press the plus (+) or
minus (—) to change
the sti tches-per-inch
setti ng.
Press the plus (+) or
minus (—) to change
the cruise sti tches-
per-minute setti ng.
Press to select Sti tch
Regulati on.
Press to select Cruise