User Manual
To control the overspeed alarm
The overspeed alarm alerts you if you are moving the machine faster than 100% of the motor capacity and
therefore are quilti ng too fast for sti tch regulati on to work properly.
Touch the alarm icon
to turn on or off the
overspeed alarm. It
appears blue when
1. Touch the alarm butt on to turn it on or off . It is on when it appears blue with the sound-wave symbols.
It is off when it appears gray.
2. Press the
butt on to return to the Main screen.
To set the quilti ng alarm
Aft er you enable the quilti ng alarm, the ti me begins to count down. This alarm measures elapsed ti me,
not machine quilti ng ti me. The example below shows 57 minutes and 23 seconds are remaining before the
alarm will sound.
Shows the current quilti ng
alarm setti ng.
Press the plus (+) or minus
(—) butt ons to change the
alarm setti ng.
Touch the alarm icon to turn on or off the quilti ng
alarm. It appears blue when enabled.
1. Specify the amount of ti me that will elapse before the alarm will go off . Fine tune the alarm setti ng by
pressing the plus (+) or minus (–) butt ons which changes the alarm setti ng by one minute at a ti me.
2. Touch the alarm icon to turn on the quilti ng alarm. When the ti me has elapsed, an alarm will sound.
Quilt Timer and Sti tch Counter
The Timer screen enables you to track the amount of ti me you work on a quilt and to track the number of
sti tches on a quilt.
• Touch the
icon in the toolbar. Then touch the
butt on. Press the
butt on to return to the Main screen.