5. Changing of pattern roller
Flip the hopper gently to the front. After removal of the pattern roller plug or lock pin
out of flange axis draw the left flange from the pattern roller, and pull the roller now out
of the right flange.
Now you can take off the roller from the uppon. The installation is done in reverse
6. Removing and cleaning of the roller
By developed rollers, access - standing behind the machine - with the right hand into
the left Griffuge the kneading rollers.
Drag with the left hand, the retention pin from the flange axis and pull the flange, as far
as possible, outwardly.
Now access to the kneading rollers, that is, the left hand into the left Griffuge and the
right hand into the right handle groove. While the kneading rollers lay in the sheet me
tal engine cover, you can slowly lift the rollers out of the machine. For cleaning put the
roller on the side of the drive holes (red mark) and pull the dough from the roller with a
scraper. Subsequently, the roller in the dishwasher (not more than 60°C), cleaned with
high pressure cleaner or with the scrubbing brush with warm water by hand.
7. Knife position
The knife is driven by an eccentric and moves very fast on the strip of dough along the
kneading roller. The position of the knife to the dough sheet, remove closer (thicker) or
further (thinner), can be adjusted with the lever on the front of the machine. The best
position is directly above the strip of dough, but very deeply engraved figures can be
cutted quite a bit thinner (see also 8, the Cut-off).
The basic setting is: 3. line from above.