MSR 1288 series
User’s Manual
Error Beep Sound
For enable / disable sound when MSR reads card and error happened.
Prefix / Suffix
Enable or disable prefix / suffix for card data
Start Sentinel
Enable / Disable track start sentinel
(Track 1 start sentinel is “% “, Track 2 / 3 start sentinel is “; “ )
End sentinel
Enable / Disable track end sentinel
(The end sentinel is “? “ for all tracks)
LRC sentinel
Enable / Disable track LRC sentinel
(LRC = first byte data
second byte data
third byte data
….. last bye data)
TKx swipe from left to right and swipe from right to left
You can make choice to decide the user to swipe card and read data only from left to right or from right
to left or both ways.
5. MSR ISO Standard Field Setting