F igure 2.4 M essage boxes during startup
N ote: C heck the follow ing if the m essage on the right in Fig. 2.4 appears.
P ow er to the spectrophotom eter is turned O N .
The spectrophotom eter and P C are correctly interfaced.
The P C environm ent (for exam ple, com m unication port) is correctly set.
F igure 2.5 [S pectrum M easurem ent] display
2.2 E xiting
T his section describes how to exit the [M easurem ent] or [A nalysis] program s and how to shut dow n the
spectrophotom eter and P C .
2.2.1 E xiting m easurem ent or spectra analysis program
E nds the [M easurem ent] or [ A nalysis] program and exits it.
E xiting the [S pectra A nalysis] program
C lick [F ile] - [E xit]. T he [S pectra A nalysis] w indow closes and the [S pectrum M easurem ent] w indow
N ote: If a spectrum has not been saved, a m essage appears to inform the operator. P roceed according to the
m essage. A m essage appears for each unsaved spectrum . R epeat procedure accordingly.
(2) E xiting the [S pectrum M easurem ent] program
C lick [M easurem ent] - [E xit]. T he [S pectrum M easurem ent] w indow closes and the [S pectra