Firmware Upgrade over HTTP:
Click on the Browser button to select the firmware file to be uploaded to the device.
Click the Upgrade button to begin the upgrade process. Upgrade must not be interrupted.
Load Factory Defaults:
This will restore the device to original factory setting. User will need to reconfigure the
authentication setting in order to get the device operational.
Device Reset
In case the user forgets the login password, a reset button is designed between WAN port and
DC port. The user can pull down the reset button for 10 seconds with power on, then a system
reset will be performed and the unit will be rebooted. The user can then be allowed to use the
original default login password to gain access to the unit WEB GUI again.
After factory reset, the device may need to be reconfigured by the user or even operator to gain
network access. This is not a recommended operation and special care must be taken to ensure
the device will be properly re-configured after factory reset.