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Instructions de Sûreté Importantes

Gardex ces instructions pour réference future.

Observez toutes les instructions et tous les avertissements marqués sur l’appareil.

Branchez uniguements sur un réseau de tension indiquée. Consultez le manuel
d’instruction du fabriquant pour les spécifications de courant. N’oubliez pas que
différentes tensions peuvent nécessiter l’utilisation de cables et/ou de fiches
deconnexion différents.

N’installez pas l’appareil en un compartiment non-aéré ou directement au-dessus
d’équipements générateurs de chaleur, tels qu’amplificateurs de courants, etc. Ne
dépassez pas la température ambiante maximale de fonctionnement indiquée
dans les spécifications du produit.

Des fentes et ouvertures sont prévues dans le boîtier pour l’aération; Pour assurer
le bon fonctionnement et pour prévenir l’échauffement, ces ouvertures ne doivent
pas être couvertes ou bloquées. N’insérez pas d’objets dans les fentes d’aération.
Empêchez tout liquide de se répandre sur l’appareil.

Ce produit est muni d’une fiche à trois fils pour la mise à terreee. Ceci est une
mesure de sécurité et ne doit pas être contrariée.

Ne connectez jamais d’amplificateurs audio directement aux connecteurs de 

Pour empêcher les chocs électriques et le danger d’incendie, évitez d’exposer
l’appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité, et ne le mettez pas en marche en un endroit
où il serait exposé aux éclaboussures d’eau.

N’essayez pas de faire fonctionner l’appareil s’il est tombé à terre, a été endom-
mangé, exposé à un liquide, ou si vous observez des différences nettes dans son
fonctionnement, indiquant la nécessité de réparations.

Cet appareil ne doit être ouvert que par un personnel de service qualifié. En enle-
vant les couvercles vous vous exposez àdes tensions électriques dangereuses.

Ce triangle, sur votre appaeil vous avertit de la présence de ten-
sion dangereuse, non-isolée à l’intérieur du boîtier…une tension
suffisante pour représenter un danger d’electrocution.

Ce triangle sur sur votre appareil vous invite de suivre d’impor-
tantes instructions d’utillisation et d’entretien dans la documenta-
tion livrée avec le produit.


Instrucciones importantes de sequiridad

Guarde esta instrucciones para uso posterior. 

Utilice siempre el voltaje correcto. Diríjase a las instrucciones de operación del
fabricante para obtener las especificaciones de potencia. Esté al tanto de que
voltajes de operación distintos requieren el uso de cable y/o enchufes distintos.

No instale esta unidad en un estante sin vntilación, ni tampoco directamente
encima de equipose que generen calor tales como amplificadores de potencia.
Fíjese en las temperaturas ambientales máximas de operación que se mencionan
en las especificaciones del producto.

Las aperturas y ranuras del chasis sirven para proveer la ventilación necesaria
para operar la unidad con sequridad y para prevenir sobrecalentamiento, y por lo
tanto no pueden ser obstruidas o cubiertas. No introcuzca objetos de ningún tip 
a través de las ranuras de ventilación, y nunca deje caer ningún líquido sobre 
la unidad.

Este producto está equipado con un enchufe de 3 clavijas con conexión a ierra.
Este es un elemento de seguridad que no debe ser eliminado.

Nunca conecte ningùn tipo de salida de amplificadores de sonido directamente a
los conectores de la unidad.

Para prevenir descargas eléctricas o incendios, mantenga la unidad alejada de la
lluvia, humedad o cualquier lugar en el que pueda entrar en contacto con ague.

No trate de hacer funcionar la unidad si se ha caído, está dañada, ha entrado en
contacto con lítuidos, o si nota cualquir cambio brusco en su funcionamiento
que indique la necesidad de hacerle un servicio de mantenimiento.

Esta unidad deberá ser abierta únicamente por personal calificado. Si usted quita
las coberturas se expondrá a voltajes peligrosos.

Este triángulo que apaece en su componente le advierte sobre 
la existencia dentro del chasis de voltajes peligrosos sin 
aislantes…voltajes que son lo suficientemente grandes como
para causar electrocución.

Este triángulo que aparece en su componente lo alerta sobre las
instrucciones de operación y mantenimiento importantes que
están en los materiales de lectura que se incluyen.


Importanti norme di sicurezza

Conservare le presenti norme per l’utilizzo futuro.

Osservare tutte le istruzioni e le avvertenze apposte sull’unita.

Utilizzare esclusivamente con la tensione di rete corretta. Consultare le istruzioni
operative fornite dal fabbricante per i dati riguardanti la tensione e l’assorbimento
di corrente. Potrebbe essere necessario l’uso di cavi di rete e/o di spine diverse a
seconda della tensione utilizzata.

Non installare l’unità in uno scaffale privo di ventilazione oppure direttamente
sopra una fonte di calore, come, ad esempio, un amplificatore. Non superare la
temperatura ambientale massima di funzionamento riportata nei dati tecnici del

Le fessure e le altre aperture nella scatola servono alla ventilazione. Per un fun-
zionamento affidabile, e per evitare un eventuale surriscaldamento, queste aper-
ture non vanno ostruite o coperte in nessun modo. Evitare in tutti i casi di inserire
oggetti di qualsiasi genere attraverso le fessure di ventilazione. Non versare mai
del liquido di nessun tipo sull’unità.

Questo pordotto viene fornito con una spina a 3 fili con massa. Tale dispositivo di
sicurezza non va leiminato.

Evitare sempre di collegare le uscite dell’amplificatore auio direttamente ai connet-
tori dell’unità.

Per prevenire il pericolo di folgorazione e di incendio non esporre l’unità alla
pioggia o ad un’umidtà eccessiva; evitare di adoperare l’unità dove potrebbe
entrare in contatto con acqua.

Evitare di adoperare l’unità se la stessa è stata urtata violentemente, se ha subito
un danno, se è stata esposta ad un liquido o in caso di un evidente cambiamento
dell prestazioni che indichi la necessità di un intervento di assistenza tecnica.

Ogni intervnto sull’unità va esqguito esclusivamente da personale qualificato. La
rimozione della copertura comporta l’esposizione al pericolo di folgorazione.

ll present triangolo impresso sul componente avverte della 
presenza di tensioni pericolose non isolate all’interno della 
copertura…tali tensioni rappresentano un pericolo di folgorazione

ll presente triangolo imprsso sul componente avverte l’utente della
presenza nella documentazione allegata di importanti istruzioni
relative al funzionament ed alla manutenzione.


Wichtige Sicherheitsanweisungen

Heben Sie sich diese Sicherheitsanweisungen auch für später auf.

Befolgen Sie alle auf der Vorrichtung stehenden Anweisungen und Warnungen.

Immer nur mit der richtigen Spannung verwenden! Die Gebrauchsanweisungen
des Herstellers informieren Sie über die elektrischen Anforderungen. Vergessen
Sie nicht daß bei vershiedenen Betrievsspannungen ggf. auch verschiedene
Leitungskabel und/oder Verbindungsstacker zu verwenden sind.

Stellen Sie die Vorrightung nicht in ein unbelüftetes Getell oder unmittelbar
über wärmeerzeugende Geräte wie z.B. Tonverstärker. Halten Sie die in den
Produktspezifikationen angegebene maximale Umgebungstemperatur bei
Betrieb ein.

Schlitze und Öffnungen im GehUause dienen der Belüfung; um verläßlichen
Betrieb sicherzustellen und Überheizen zu vermeiden dürfen diese Öffnungen
nich verstopft oder abgedeckt werden. Stecken Sie nie irgend einen Gegenstand
durch die Belüftungsschlitze. Vergießen Sie keine Flüssigkeiten auf den Apparat.

Dieses Produkt is mit einem 3-drahtigen Erdungsstecher ausgerüstet. Diese
Sicherheitsmaßnahme darf nicht unwirksam gemacht werden.

Schließen Sie nie Tonverstärker unmittelbar an einen Anschluß des
Apparates an.

Um elektrischen Schlag oder Feuer zu vermeiden, setaen Sie den Apparat 
weder Regen noch Feuchtigkeit aus und betreiben Sie ihn nicht dort wo Wasser
eindringen könnte.

Versuchen Sie nicht den Apparat zu betreiben falls er fallen gelassen, beschädigt,
oder Flüssigkeiten ausgesetzt wurde, oder falls sich seine Arbeitsweise derart
ändert daß daraus ein Bedarf nach Raparatur zu schließen ist.

Dieser Apparat sollte nur von qualifizierten Fachleuten geöffnet
werden. Das Abnehmen von Abdeckungen setzt Sie
gefährlichen Spannungen aus.

Dieses Dreick auf ihrem Apparat warnt Sie voe nicht-isolierter,
gefährlicher Spannung im Gehäuse…stark genug um eine
Berührungsgefahr darzustellen.

Diese Dreick auf ihram Apparat bedeutet daß wichtige Betriebs-
und Wartungsanweisungen in der mitgelieferten Dokumentation
zu finden sind.

Summary of Contents for SYNTHESIS SDEC-1000


Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...____________________________________20 22 Case I Replacing an analog equalizer in an existing Synthesis system _________________________20 21 Case II Installing an SDEC as part of a new Synthesis syst...

Page 4: ...ections __________________________________________________________40 4 6 DACS4 Main Screen _________________________________________________________________41 45 Response Graph _______________________...

Page 5: ...6 0 ___________________________________________INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMS Synthesis One Interconnection Diagram _____________________________________________________58 59 Synthesis Two and Three Interc...

Page 6: ...ram_____________________________________________________41 Figure 18 DACS4 Main Calibration Screen _______________________________________________________42 Figure 19 Response Graph Window____________...

Page 7: ...instructions should be followed 5 Water and Moisture The product should not be used near water for example near a bathtub washbowl kitchen sink laundry tub in a wet base ment or near a swimming pool...

Page 8: ...n antenna discharge unit size of ground ing conductors location of antenna discharge unit connection to grounding electrodes and requirements for the grounding electrode see above figure 18 Damage Req...

Page 9: ...nto importantes que est n en los materiales de lectura que se incluyen Italiano Importanti norme di sicurezza Conservare le presenti norme per l utilizzo futuro Osservare tutte le istruzioni e le avve...

Page 10: ...eita Norsk Viktig informasjon om sikkerhet Ta vare p denne veiledningen for senere bruk F lg alle anvisningene og advarslene som er angitt p apparatet Apparatet skal alltid anvendes med korrekt spenni...

Page 11: available to correct any remaining system non linearity Fantasize about crossovers that are theoretically perfect and time domain correction delivering idealized impulse response The fun doesn t s...

Page 12: ...2 1 SDEC 1000 REAR PANEL SDEC 2500 REAR PANEL System connection after dealer installation and calibration 12 SDEC 1000 Rear Panel SDEC 2500 Rear Panel...

Page 13: inordinate complexity and would result in signal quality degradation if done in the analog domain After processing high quality digital to analog converters return the signals to the analog domain...

Page 14: ...he horns tweeters and midrange drivers are mounted at somewhat different distances from the listener The SDEC can delay the sound coming from the closer drivers slightly so that all frequencies imping...

Page 15: ...s to loudspeakers and move the sweet spot to the listener This feature is called Auto time arrival correction in the Synthesis system Figure 3 Effect of Auto Time Correction Crossovers The SDEC 1000 u...

Page 16: ...cs Synthesis systems employ horn loaded drivers for cinema and direct radiators for music The SDEC contains two sets of equalization curves selected by the system controller for each of the Synthesis...

Page 17: ...equalizer Typically such devices are two edged swords able to cause at least as many problems as they solve In this case however a preprogrammed computer using proprietary algorithms developed over a...

Page 18: ...owing discussion it will be assumed that the surround processor decoder is a Synthesis SDP 2D although it may be an earlier SDP 1 or SDP 2 The SDP 1 is a Dolby Pro Logic decoder and control system whi...

Page 19: ...appropriately marked CL 3 is one example of such a rating Refer to the Synthesis S 400 S 650 Power Amplifier User s Manual for more information about selecting appropriate speaker wires AC power It is...

Page 20: ...THX wiring convention It is not used with current Synthesis surround processors On the rear panel of the SDEC are two slide switches with recessed handles Unless you are installing a CINEMA only syst...

Page 21: ...the SDEC are two slide switches with recessed handles Unless you are installing a CINEMA only system use a pencil or straightened paper clip to place both switches in the AUTO position If you are ins...

Page 22: ...emporarily The SDEC will simply pass signals through with no signal processing If the system is not performing as expected refer to Troubleshooting in Section 4 7 Power the system up for the first tim...

Page 23: ...coustics engineer using sophisticated analysis devices Using DACS4 you will be able to perform this work in a few hours time Stimulus DACS4 uses pink weighted pseudo random noise to stimulate the spea...

Page 24: ...tly what we want to do Figure 6 System Response in Five Locations Lower Trace is the Spatially Averaged Result Prior to EQ Data Post Processing A Microphone Multiplexer SMM 5 scans the microphones seq...

Page 25: ...ame arrival time At the conclusion of the calibration session all settings are transmitted to the FLASH EPROM in the SDEC and made permanent burned Target Curves Intuitive logic would tend to indicate...

Page 26: ...any carefully controlled listening tests that all three components must be timbrally neutral in order for a loudspeaker to be rated highly by listeners The design criteria therefore can be summarized...

Page 27: ...umstances If the speakers have been properly designed to begin with it matters little what the room curve looks like at high frequencies Synthesis speakers are properly designed In fact attempting to...

Page 28: ...Things To Consider When Selecting A Location For DACS4 The complete system calibration will take two to three hours therefore you should give the location of the test setup some thought Try to set up...

Page 29: ...thesis System components There is no power switch on the EVP When you plug the power supply into the AC supply a red LED on the rear panel will light Do not power up the computer at this time Using th...

Page 30: ...n nector pin springs These connectors are far more likely to fall out from the weight of the cable than it may appear Microphone Connection and Placement The DACS4 calibration kit includes five instru...

Page 31: ...tion is not always the front and center seat Wherever the primary position is this is where you will place microphone 1 You should place this microphone at ear level The microphones are not numbered a...

Page 32: ...uter at this time Using the same AC outlet for all devices will minimize ground circuit current which manifests itself as audible hum in the speakers and popping noises during data transmission from t...

Page 33: ...SDEC 1000 2500 in this system The computer will pause at this point waiting for your response DO NOT respond at this time 3 Select the AUX input on the surround processor If you used a different inpu...

Page 34: ...LEFT CENTER RIGHT all models Small 80Hz high pass LEFT RIGHT AMBIENTS Synthesis 1 Small dipole 80Hz high pass LEFT RIGHT AMBIENTS Synthesis 2 and 3 Small dipole 100Hz high pass BASS SPLIT 80Hz REARS N...

Page 35: exceeds the size of the window You can scroll through each topic using the PgUp and PgDn keys When you move on to the next step the help field is automatically updated Reading these help topics t...

Page 36: ...y the DACS4 System You have three possible courses of action 1 Run DACS2 This is the previous release of DACS which is still suitable for calibrating any Synthesis System that uses analog equalizers a...

Page 37: ...enter the customer s name exactly as he or she prefers This is what will be printed on the certificate The information in section two is used to initialize the DACS4 program Use care when selecting in...

Page 38: ...actually seven possible permutations currently available each of which requires a different calibration strategy Select a Surround Processor Figure 14 Select a Surround Processor Currently there is on...

Page 39: ...e screen Cloth or None If you are using a perforated screen or cloth not listed here call your Synthesis Representative Left Right Screen Compensation Figure 16 Identify Screen Type Left Right Front S...

Page 40: ...ACS4 On Screen Wiring Diagram Before DACS4 runs this simple hookup diagram is provided for your review Please take a moment to confirm that these connections are correct Press Any Key when you are rea...

Page 41: ...vailable on the main screen Figure 18 DACS4 Main Calibration Screen This is the main Synthesis calibration workspace Before you begin calibration take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the ei...

Page 42: ...ayed simultaneously Filters at a Glance Figure 20 Filter Setting and Control Field The settings of all filters can be reviewed here Each filter s center frequency is indicated in the small box above e...

Page 43: ...r L C R left center and right AL AR ambient left and right The currently active channel is indicated by a black dot in the diamond above each channel designator Any channels that have been completed a...

Page 44: each available channel Online Help Figure 24 Continuously Updated Online Help Topical information is continuously presented here as you work The full text of each topic typically exceeds the size o...

Page 45: ...ssing F3 transmits the final settings to the SDEC and puts a check mark in the channel status indicator F4 TEST Runs a test of the currently active channel F6 EXIT Program Quit F7 Room EQ Inserts a sp...

Page 46: ...7 Fresh Install First Screen Now would be a good time to begin reading the information presented in the online help field It will guide you through the entire calibration process When you have finishe...

Page 47: ...6 Typically if there is an error it will be quite large so it is easy to spot As an example If all of the speakers are about 200 from MIC 1 one channel might report 360 or 0 If one or more channels ar...

Page 48: ...possible over the target curve This is necessary for two reasons 1 The Industry standard reference level is 85dBC when the source DVD or LaserDisk is at 0dB Setting this test to fit the target will br...

Page 49: ...much the level needs to be shifted DACS4 has a special display smoothing algorithm designed to make it easy to determine the correct level You invoke the smoothed display by pressing the Shift F4 keys...

Page 50: ...dy to initiate the Auto EQ routine Press F2 now Figure 32 Results of Auto EQ Figure 32 illustrates the results of Auto EQ Notice the remaining small peaks and dips at the top of the graph With 10 band...

Page 51: ...uency Table 1 demonstrates that it is most important to fit the test over the target as well as possible from 4 to 8kHz The frequencies above and below are less critical but cannot be ignored Every ro...

Page 52: ...cting with the room Attempts to EQ the high frequencies only degrades system performance Figure 34 Auto EQ F3 Accepts settings Left and Right Ambient Calibration The calibration procedure for the ambi...

Page 53: a Cinema only system accepting the last channel signals the end of the calibration sequence Skip forward to the topic Quitting DACS4 on page 54 If you are calibrating a Cinema Music system read on...

Page 54: ...Utility When you began the SDEC calibration process DACS4 asked you to install the 3 5 floppy disk provided with the SDEC After calibration is complete this disk will contain a file that contains all...

Page 55: ...ey will not be fully effective in some instances equipment can be damaged they may actually be illegal and in many cases are downright dangerous What You Can Do During Installation First do not isolat...

Page 56: ...the particular installation you must reduce all ground path resistance to as close to 0W as possible This is the correct method of eliminating hum Do not try to break the ground by defeating the groun...

Page 57: ...50 ohms Crossover 4th order Linkwitz Reilly N A Filter Characteristics Attenuation Range 6db 12dB 6db 12dB Center Frequency Range 20Hz 20kHz 20Hz 20kHz Bandwidth 0 1 5 octaves 0 1 5 octaves Total Ban...

Page 58: ...SYNTHESIS ONE Interconnection Diagram S400 S400 S650 S650 SDP 2D SDEC 1000 SDP RFD 58 59 6 0 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMS...

Page 59: ...SYNTHESIS TWO THREE Interconnection Diagram S650 SDP 2D SDEC 2500 S400 SDP RFD 60 61 6 0 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMS...

Page 60: ...SYNTHESIS ONE Control Wiring Diagram SDP 2D SDEC 1000 S400 S400 S650 S650 SDP RFD 62 63 7 0 CONTROL WIRING DIAGRAMS...

Page 61: ...SYNTHESIS TWO THREE Control Wiring Diagram S650 SDP 2D SDEC 2500 S400 SDP RFD 64 65 7 0 CONTROL WIRING DIAGRAMS...
