E106 - No PLU
- Indicates the impossibility to identify a code
produced in the memory of the PC or of the
E107 - Slip Compulsory
- It indicates the obligation of the printing of
the Invoice or Bill on Slip Printer.
E108 - Supervisor code
- It indicates, with the key in position "Prg", an
error during the programming of the "Super-
visor" code, the code input for confirmation
does not correspond to the code input in
before step.
E109 - Validation Slip Mode
- It indicates the obligation of the printing on
Slip Printer of the movement on the custo-
mer, such printing is that relative to the card
customer for the bring up to date of the
"booklet customer".
E110 - Operate not allowed
E111 - Debit mode error
- It indicates a formulation error during a Debit
operation on a PB.
E112 - Deposit error
- It indicates a formulation error during a De-
posit operation on a PB.
E113 - PB code input error
- It indicates the error of the code for PB.
E114 - PB Reg. mode error
- It indicates a formulation error during an
operation on a customer (PB).
E115 - Type writting error
- It indicates a formulation error during the
input of one alphanumeric string executed
by using of the key "Prints alphanumeric
E116 - Decimal point
- Indicates a wrong operation after the use of
the key "," (decimal point).
E117 - Amount key PLU error
- Wrong operation on the key "PLU PRICE"
E118 - open key error
- Indicates a wrong operation after the use of
the key "No Limit".
E119 - shift key error
- Indicates a wrong operation after the use of
the key "SHIFT".
E120 - void key error
- Indicates the execution of a wrong operation
after the use of the key "VOID", as for
example the attempt to record the VOID of
an article with a VAT not used in the receipt
in course.
E121 - R.M. key error
- Indicates a wrong operation after the use of
the key "R.M.".
E122 - digits input error
- Indicates the execution of a wrong operation
after the use of numeric keys (key-pad).
E123 - input digits (obblig.)
- Indicates that the executed operation de-
mands a preventive input to execute by
numerical keys (key-pad).
E124 - input over limit
- It indicates that the input executed by nume-
rical keys (key-pad) exceeds the maximum
number of digits allowed.
E125 - X key error
- Indicates a wrong operation after the use of
the key "X/Time".