E309 - Kitchen printer error
- It indicates that an error has succeeded
during Kitchen Printer printing (paper end,
printer OFF, etc...).
E310 - Batch buffer overflowor
E401 - PC linking
- It indicates that there is an interruption of the
connection between ECR and PC ; in the
case in which the problem is due to big
problems on the PC, it's possible to close the
communication on ECR by lowering for three
times the key "E.C.", after three times the
"E.C." key the ECR will be un-connect from
the PC so it'll be able to continue to work
E404 - Clearing over
- It indicates that the Special Memory of the
ECR (EPROM) is full, has been caught up
the maximum number of ALL-CLEAR RE-
SET possible (it'll be necessary to substitute
the Special Memory).
E405 - Data set compulsory
- It is compulsory to set the data.
E406 - Net Sales overflow
- It indicates that the max. ammount earn in
the course of a single day (1.999.999.998 or
19.999.999,98) have been caught up the
maximum limit of amount recorded in the
totalizer "Net Sales (VENDITE)" and that for
being able to continue with other registra-
tions is obligatory to execute the daily reset.
E408 - Slip line over
- It indicates that it has been caught up, on
external printer (the Slip Printer), the maxi-
mum number lines allowed (the maximum
number of lines comes defined in program-
ming), to insert another paper sheet on Slip
and to press for three times the "CL" key to
reactivate the printing.
E409 - Cutter error
- It indicates that there are some problems on
the automatic cutter, the automatic cutter
could be blocked, or could have been activa-
ted the automatic cutter on a ECR were the
automatic cutter there isn't (G-556), press
the "CL" key in order to remove the error and
to disactivate the automatic cutter with the
operation :
3 - Help/Info, with key in "R".
Note :
All error description above indicated (Eg.: E409 - Cutter error, "Cutter error" is the
error description) are in English, but in case 2nd language up-load from PC same
descriptions will be in differents languages (Italian, French, Etc..), in any case after
ALL-CLEAR above descriptions will be everytime in English language.