P ------- (419) ----- [X/TIME] ----- (ADDMMYY) ----- [SUBTOTAL] ----- [#]
A: Warning mode
0: Warning is occur in one time transaction until Euro open
1: Warning is occur in the date
2: Warning is occur and prohibit transaction until Euro open
DDMMYY: the date of Euro open
DD: Day
MM: Month
YY: Year
Default: A = 2
DDMMYY = 010102
EURO OPEN PROGRAM (It is valid for G3000R only)
P ---- (20012002) ----- [SUBTOTAL] ----- (DDMMYY) ----- [X/TIME] -----[CASH TEND]
DDMMYY: the date of Euro open
DD: Day
MM: Month
YY: Year
Note: The programming will auto-convert the preset value (Dept, PLU, PB, TMB,
Subtotal HALO etc.).
If Euro is open by status system 14A = 1for G3000R, the preset value will auto-
convert yet.
Please program SUBTOTAL HALO amount again after the preset value
convert, because SUBTOTAL HALO has changed when preset value convert.
The Euro function only can be opened by set Status System 14A = 1 for G556E,
but the preset value can't be auto-converted.
Euro function can't be closed after Euro is opened.