access these sections:
1. Power up the unit. Connect the conductivity probe to the unit.
2. Press
key to go to conductivity mode. “ATC” icon,
“uS/cm” icon and “AUTO” icon will lit up.
3. Rinse the conductivity probe in distilled water and immerse
them in the standard solution. Allow temperature reading to
stabilize, then press
key to enter the calibration mode.
“CAL” and “TDS” icons appears on the LCD.
: Press
key to accept any values changes in
each section and automatically advance to the next section. If
there are no changes, the unit accepts the current value and
proceeds to the next section.]
TDS Constant
TDS is determined by multiplying conductivity (mS/cm) by a
TDS factor. The default factor value is 0.65. To change the
TDS factor, use the
keys to adjust the value
between 0.30 to 1.00. Press
key to save the new
value and go to the next calibration parameter.
Probe Basic Cell Constant
The main display shows the Cell Constant of the conductivity
probe (calibrated previously or default, the deviation range is
70% to 130%). The secondary display shows the current
selected cell constant which is either 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 or 475.
Press the
keys to select the one you want to
use. Press
key to save the new value and go to the
next calibration parameter.
Temperature Coefficient
The unit uses the temperature coefficient to calculate
temperature compensated conductivity. The default value is
1.91 %/°C. To change the Temperature Coefficient, use the
keys to adjust the value between 0.00 to
4.00 %/°C. Press
key to save the new value and go
to the next calibration parameter.
Temperature Reference
The unit uses the temperature reference value to calculate
temperature compensated conductivity. The default value is
25 °C. To change the temperature reference, press the