Mounting the locking element – KTR 400
All screwshave to be tightened to the proper torque by using a torque-wrench.
Fastening the screws below or above the proper value decteases the maximum
torque-transmission. Due to different values of surface-friction even a proberly set
locking element might differ up to +/- 25% in ist torque-transmission.
Force Fv[N]
Torque Ta[Nm]
The force transmission depends on the friction between the element and the
shaft. A clean surface and the proper torque of the screws are of major
importance to the correct function.
Fasten all screws evenly and crosswise up to the torque Ta in several steps. Use
a torque-wrench.
Controll all screws for proper torque. If possible re-controll the screws after a test-
run of the machine.
Clean used and dirty locking elements. Apply a thin oil-film to all parts and
reassemble the element.
Unmount the element by removing the screws. Remove the front-ring by screwing
four screws into the four extra threads. After removing the front-ring four other extra
threads will be visible. These are used to press out the rear-ring by screwing four
screws into the threads. Use screws of the same size for disassembling as they are
used for assembling the locking element.