d scan) to the other display source, then you can obtain the
O signal (shape signal) using it as a meas-
can set 6 steps from 1 to 32 for the gain. You use them when
rvation. If you set a high gain when you observe such specimens with a
e satu-
rated. Usuall
obtain enou
ffect feedback operations.
ecked, the system will automatically
not check it (forwar
forward scan image and the backward scan image at the same time.
urce Gain
Set the source-signal gain for the TOP
urement signal. You
you cannot obtain enough contrast in the measurement image such as an atomic
image obse
arge region or with a very bumpy surface, the source signal might becom
y, observe under low gain and increase the gain when you cannot
gh contrast.
The setting here does not a
If the Enable Pre-Scan check box is ch
obtain the optimum gain from the result of
ct AFM tab window
Source 1, 2
Select the signal sources for images. The selection of signals also affects the
number of source signals. You must select either Topography or Force for source
signal 1, and either Topography, Force or None for source signal 2. The relation
between source signals and the number of measurement images is the same as that
in the AC-AFM tab window.
Same as that in the AC-AFM tab window.
Source Gain
Same as that in the AC-AFM tab window.
When you perform normal measurement, select this radio button. Measurement
settings follow the current settings.