Please read these instructions thoroughly before attempting to install your Patriot Fence. While installation
of the fence is relatively easy, this instruction sheet should eliminate any guess work. If you have any
questions or problems installing the fence, please call us weekdays at 1-800-344-2242.
Materials Needed:
Measuring Tape
Post Hole Digger
Concrete Mix
5/16” socket
Drill or Driver
Hack Saw
Before You Begin Installing Your Fence:
Establish your fence line by staking out the area to be enclosed and attaching a guide string to the
stakes. Make sure the fence is set back from the property line as required by local codes.
Gates and sections should be installed so that the bottom of the fence is about 2” above ground level.
This will allow the grass under the fence to be easily trimmed.
When you need less than a full section to complete a line of fence, cut it to size.
Caution: If it is necessary to cut panels to fit into the fence line or for gates, all cut pieces must be
seal-coated with zinc rich primer (known as “Cold Galvanizing”) and then painted with Jerith’s
custom touch-up paint. This two step process should also be done in any place where the finish
has been damaged. Failure to follow this procedure may void the warranty!
Gate posts should be spaced 6” wider than the desired gate width for single gates, and 10” wider for
double gates. (i.e.” a 48” single gate needs a 54” opening between gate posts, a 10 foot double needs a
10’ 10” opening.)
Fence Installation:
1. Install all end, gate and corner posts first. (The maximum opening for a single gate is 6’ 6”, and 12’ 10”
for a double gate.) Dig the post holes and set the posts into them. Fill the holes with concrete and tamp
down around each post so the concrete is about 2” below ground level. Any gates will be attached after
the concrete has set.
Caution: The proper operation of the gate depends upon the correct installation of the gate posts.
Make certain that they are plumb.
2. After the gate posts are set, the other posts are installed. Dig up to 8 holes for the posts along the fence
line. If you reach an end or corner of the fence line, then dig the post hole where it’s needed.
The center
to center measurement of the holes is 72”.
Put a post into each hole and pour concrete around it.
Check that the post is plumb and aligned with the guide string. Tamp it down to hold the post in position.
Leave the concrete about 2” below ground level.
Caution: The concrete footings must extend below the frost line in areas where freezing of the
ground can cause the posts to “heave”. The posts themselves do not have to go below the frost
line, however, for proper installation.
3. When you have 6 – 8 posts installed, align them so that they appear to be one when viewed from the
end of the fence line. Continue in this manner until all fence posts are installed.
Ornamental Wire Fence
Installation Instructions