If the required tolerance is only achievable by the use of Emery Cloth against rotating components, then the Emery Cloth
should be applied using either:
(a) A backing board of good quality wood as figure (a)
Fig a
(b) A toolpost onto which the Emery Cloth may be placed as figure (b);
Fig b
(c) A 'nutcracker' consisting of two backing boards which are lined with Emery Cloth and joined at end and shaped so that they
may encompass the surface to be linished as figure (c) ;
Fig c
(d) Or hand-held abrasive-impregnated wire brushes.
Gloves should never be worn when polishing is being carried out.
Where none of the above methods is reasonably practicable and it is necessary to use Emery Cloth for polishing the outside
diameters of components, the Emery Cloth should be used in long strips with one end passed beneath the component.
Force should be applied by pulling both ends of the cloth upwards, never allowing the cloth to go slack or to wrap around either
the operator's finger or the components.
For polishing the ends of components, only very short lengths or pads of cloth should be used which are incapable of causing