23/ 53
A refueling process can be initiated using the keys explained on page 35.
At the end of the refueling process, the display will show e.g.:
This display remains until either any key is pressed, or the fuel station shuts itself off after the inactivity
time has elapsed.
If the fuel station has switched itself off in the meantime, the above-mentioned information will be
displayed at the next switch on until a key is pressed.
It can thereby be established at the next switch on, what happened last or was executed.
If there are error messages, the same happens.
Menu structure
The following menus are available:
Menu Name
Run menu
From page: 24
Selection of the current model/filling program (#1-20)
Display of the current operating status and program step
Display of the volume delivered (liters) and the flow rate (liters/min)
Display of the state of charge of the battery
Display of the residual volume in the fuel container
From page: 27
Setting/specification of the program parameters associated with the
selected model, such as refueling speed, tank type, switch off criteria,
volume etc.
From page: 29
Definition of globally valid settings such as type of connected battery etc.
Statistics menu
From page: 34
Statistical information, such as running times/total dosage volume etc.