Resolution 100x31
Use this item to enable or disable extended terminal resolution.
The optional settings: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
Putty KeyPad
Use this item to select FunctionKey and KeyPad on Putty.
The optional settings: [VT100]; [LINUX]; [XTERMR6]; [SCO]; [ESCN]; [VT400].
Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management/
Windows Emergency Management Services (EMS)
Console Redirection EMS
Use this item to enable or disable Console Redirection.
The optional settings: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
When set as
, the following sub-items shall appear:
Console Redirection Settings
The settings specify how the host computer and the remote computer (which the
user is using) will exchange data. Both computers should have the same or
compatible settings.
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following items:
Out-of-Band Mgmt Port
Terminal Type EMS
The optional settings: [VT100]; [VT100+]; [VT-UTF8]; [ANSI].
[VT-UTF8] is the preferred terminal type for out-of-band management. The next
best choice is [VT100+] and them [VT100]. See above, in Console Redirection
Settings page, for more help with Terminal Type/Emulation.
Bits per second EMS
Use this item to select serial port transmission speed. The speed must be
matched on the other side. Long or noisy lines may require lower speeds.
The optional settings: [9600]; [19200]; [57600]; [115200].
Flow Control EMS
Flow control can prevent data loss from buffer overflow. When sending data, if
the receiving buffers are full, a “stop” signal can be sent to stop the data flow.
Once the buffers are empty, a “start” signal can be sent to re-start the flow.
Hardware flow control uses two wires to send start/stop signals.
The optional settings: [None]; [Hardware RTS/CTS]; [Software Xon/Xoff].
Data Bits EMS
The default setting is: [8].
*This item may or may not show up, depending on different configuration.
Parity EMS
The default setting is: [None].
*This item may or may not show up, depending on different configuration.
Stop Bits EMS
The default setting is: [1].
*This item may or may not show up, depending on different configuration.
USB Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
USB Configuration
XHCI Hand-off
This is a workaround for OSes without XHCI hand-off support. The XHCI