Changchun Jida Scola Co.,Ltd Boyi III Electronic Whiteboard Instruction Manual
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Setup and Application of Hardware Environment
Install Boyi III
Boyi III portable interactive whiteboard can be converted the hard surface into interactive whiteboard,
suitable surface of area is 30-80 inch.
schematic diagram:
Boyi III was installed on the common board
Prepare to install
Boyi III portable interactive whiteboard can be applied to a ceramic steel whiteboard, and most display
screens. Before installation, please pay attention to your device and observe the following notes:
1. If a projector is applied to connect the whiteboard and the computer, please make sure the image
generated by the computer is projected on rather smooth and hard surface (such as blackboard,
whiteboard, wall, glass and other media) and pay attention to the position of the image projected.
2. For ease of device connection, please pay attention to the height of the display area (better to be not
higher than 2.5m) and the distance between the computer host and the display area (better to be less
than 5m).
Here is coonection diagram for using the projector through application of projection equipment.