Therefore, with the ‘sys ex messages’ described below, only the value of the
8th byte (XX) is given, and from which output it is transmitted.
All stops off
The ‘all stops off’ sys ex code is 7F. This sys ex code is transmitted through
the MIDI SEQ. output when the 0 piston is pressed for a long time.
When an ‘all stops off’ sys ex code is received, all stops on the instrument
are switched off.
Piston values
When a piston is pressed, a sys ex code is transmitted with the value of the
piston that is pressed (for example PP = 00 P = 01) through the MIDI MOD.
These sys ex codes are only important when the Johannus sound module
CSM 128 is connected to your instrument.
Other MIDI codes (transmitted)
Press the 0 piston to transmit the sys ex code, ‘all stops off’ and all volume
settings through the MIDI SEQ. output.
Sys ex code stops (Program Changes)
When a MIDI stop is switched on and off, besides the usual Program
Change, an extra Program Change code (preceded by the sys ex code 3F)
is transmitted through the MIDI SEQ. output. This is to distiguish between a
‘normal’ organ stop and a MIDI stop before transmitting a module.
When a stop is switched on and off, the following codes are transmitted:
Organ stop:
Through MIDI SEQ.: CB XX
MIDI stop:
Through MIDI MOD.: CX XX.
Through MIDI SEQ.: CB XX and 3F CX XX