Figure 7: Oscillator Types Available for RDX Slots
When you want to use these in a Mixer or Mod Source
list, just select RDX 1 or RDX 2. You will also note that,
unlike all the other oscillator pairings, you can indepen-
dently select Osc 1 and Osc 2’s type, so you can mix
and match.
Because the RDX1/2 sections can act as mod sources,
they both have the ability to be MIDI sync’ed, go into
non-keytrack mode, or shifted into a Low Frequency (-5
octaves) range. New for all oscillators that have the No
Trk button is that the coarse and
ne tuning (where ac-
tive) are now replaced with a
xed wide frequency knob
which displays the settings in Hertz. (Prior to this they
xed at a certain frequency). If you made any
presets with Low Freq switch on (say, for MM Osc2 or
Rotors), you will most likely have to remake it to adjust
for the new frequency in Hertz parameter. (More about
presets below.)
Of course, the standard RD slots are still available. RD
slots allow you to incorporate the semi-modular RD
(Red Dwarf) Modules Series II (purchased separately).
These are user-con
gurable oscillators; using these,
you can duplicate the Multimode, Wavetable, Rotor,
or Modular sections, or make very complex groupings
(stacks) of oscillator modules, all by loading any of the
custom RD series II oscillator modules.
The RD slots can be loaded either by right clicking with
the mouse pointer over the insert slot, or by dragging
and dropping in a module from the File Browser.
More is explained in the section, Expanding SOLARIS
with RD Modules.
Wave Oscillators
Figure 8: Wave Oscillator Pair
These oscillators allow the loading and playback of
les. Formats are Akai .s, AIFF, and .wav. The
slots load single, monophonic samples, and the two
WAV oscillators cannot be phase locked, so true stereo
phase coherent sample playback is not possible.
Load Sample
Clicking this button will bring up a
load dialog; sometimes this window
is not visible, as it does not come up
'on top' of some SFP windows.
Clear Sample
clicking on this removes the sample
Low Key, below which the wav osc
will not play
Root Key. This sets the base pitch of
the sample playback. This is ignored
if ‘Fixed’ is ON
High Key, above which the wav osc
will not play.
When this switch is ON, the root key
setting is ignored, and playback is at
the originally sampled pitch
This is a 12 dB gain boost to the
output of each Wav Osc, prior to
entering any Filter Mixer
Wave Oscillator Control Parameters
Table 4:
Since sample fi les are stored in your computer’s RAM, and not
in the DSP card, frequency modulation is done at host process-
ing speeds, so you will fi nd a much more grainy result when
modulating these, especially at fast LFO rates, when the host
cannot keep up with the frequency demands.