johNSoN coNtroLS
ForM 102.20-N1 (1109)
6. Place the next section on the curb about 4" from
the section already placed.
7. At this time feed the electrical and control con-
nections from section to section and ensure that
they will be accessible after the sections are
joined. Assemble the electrical connectors and/
or pneumatic tubes each according to their labels.
Do this before joining sections if access will be
a problem later.
Refer to Fig. 2-18.
Fig. 2-18 – ElECtRiCAl COnnECtiOnS
All lighting and 3-phase wires must
be hard wired when no plug-ins are
e) Make sure all wiring and/or control tubing
connection pig tails are secured out of the
path of the shipping split mating surfaces to
prevent damage.
f) Apply 3.5" x 3.5" separate gasket squares,
placing one square at each corner of the face
of one section. Apply 1/4" x 2" foam gasket
to face perimeter from 3.5" square to 3.5"
square. Apply this gasket 1/4" from outside
edge of mating surface (nearest to exterior of
air handler). This is to allow for a 1/4" bead
of caulk. Refer to Fig. 2-17.
Fig. 2-17 – APPlYing gASKEt
g) Apply a ½" thick bead of caulk (not
provided), to curb top surface only where
the first section will be placed.
2. Place the first section on the curb while position
ing it so that the overhanging curb rest is spaced
evenly from the curb on each side and end.
3. After the first section is placed in position, anchor
or block it before setting the next section.
4. Attach power pulls or come-a-longs to the first
section. Use lifting lugs on the baserail (not at
the shipping split) or holes in the two outside
5. Apply a ½" thick bead of caulk to curb top surface
only where the next section will be placed, plus
about 4".
Butt joints to raceway gasket.
Caulked at joints.
0.25 thk
neoprene at
raceway split.
0.25 thk
neoprene at
raceway split.
The gasket application should provide a continuous seal from
side to side and the top of the unit roof to the bottom of the unit
base where it meets the curb.
Summary of Contents for YORK SOLUTION LD09624
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