Tipping process
Inspect all locks securing the container to make sure they are
In particular, look through the hole in the side of the corner fitting
to check that the pivot covers the base panel of the corner fitting
as intended.
The pivot position indicator must show that the locks are closed;
the safety catch must secure the clamping nut so it cannot turn.
Check that all locks are correctly closed before tipping.
We recommend tightening the nuts once again with a
suitable tool as described in section 3.2., as the preload
may have decreased due to settling during transport.
To additionally stabilise the vehicle, use the rear sta-
bilisers attached to the vehicle as per their operating
Do not remain in the danger zone during the tipping
process, and make sure that other persons also stay out
of this area.
Unlocking the container
The basic procedure for unlocking and lifting off the container is
the reverse of that described in Chapter 4.2, "Mounting and locking
the container".
Bring the safety catch into a horizontal position so that you can
then slacken the clamping nut.
Using a suitable tool such as the JOST universal operating key
915.259.000 mentioned above can facilitate this task.
After this, you will easily be able to lift the pivot and clamping nut
and turn them 90°.
The pivot position indicator now faces outwards; the container can
be removed.
For empty trips, bring the locks into closed position as
described in the work steps in Chapter 4.2, "Mounting
and locking the container".
Then, the pivot position indicator does not project
beyond the side of the housing, preventing danger to
other road users.
MUB 013 005 M30
Twist Locks R 403 Fx