1.Loosen the screw on the propeller shaft by 7mm
Spanner, put the propeller in then retighten the screw.
2.Insert the rudder support into the support which is
already installed on the rear of hull. Thread the two
pcs of M3 screw in, Apply two pcs of M3 nut on the
screws, retighten the screws and nuts by 2.5mm Allen
Key and 5.5mm Spanner.
3.Thread the silicone tube in the brass water inlet.
4.Loosen the adjuster on the servo horn so as to push
rudder rod to thread in the adjuster located in the
rudder horn. Make sure the rudder centered and then
Retighten the two adjuster with 2.5mm Allen Key.
Please install rudder and support on the right
support which is pre-installed on the rear of hull
in factory. Installing rudder and support on the
right side is effective for good performance and
Rudder Assembly For US.1 Catamaran
2. Turn the transmitter “ON” The battery light should
glow bright RED.
1. Install four fresh “AA” batteries. Follow the diagram
located in the bottom of the battery tray for prope
battery orientation.
The transmitter is not water resistant and
should never come in contact with water.