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play attention to the flight height during flight, and [height] on the instrument
board can be used to regulate the flight height.
Encircling real-time GUIDED point
The flying around is one type of GUIDED cruise, and it is a guided cruised by setting
interest point and radius as well as planned circles.
1) To control takeoff of UAV, mark central point on the map for the circling cruise, and
click the icon [cruise around the edited point] on the shortcut icon area to determine the
circle radius and number of circles;
3) The system automatically generates a point of interest on the map, 13 encircling
GUIDED points each circle and routes;
4) Click [GUIDED cruise] and UAV will perform real-time cruise according to the set
route, and the head always points to the point of interest.
5) In the GUIDED flying process, click [Stop cruising] button to interrupt the cruise, and
the button turns to [continuing flight], and now UAV remains at GPS status. Click
[continuing flight] button and UAV will continue the GUIDED cruise.