or battery core fault protection. Further actions are
given in Section 6.2.
Blinking After Charging Some Time
Battery LED switches on after charger power on, but
starts blinking after some time. This indicates battery
has entered over-temperature protection mode. Actions
are in Section 6.3.
Blinking After Charging Over Time
Battery LED is switched on, but after 4 hours continuous
charging starts blinking. This may indicate the possibility
of battery core failure. Remedial actions are suggested in
Section 6.4.
Blinking Immediately Upon Charging
Select a USB 5V power source that is able to charge
standard cell phone. Connect empty charger and observe
the green indicator on. Insert a Jugee battery that was
blinking, observe which of the following situation occurs,
and follow the suggested actions:
If battery LED is long on, then this battery is normal,
and the reason for previous blinking was source
under-power causing the battery to enter under-