Battery Charging Protection
When charging Jugee batteries, some detected
conditions such as power source under power, battery
core over temperature, battery core fault or severe
degradation will activate charging protection mode,
indicated by the blinking LED on the battery. This
chapter will further explain the various conditions
signaled by the blinking pattern, and corresponding
remedial actions.
Battery Charge Protection Type Indication
Jugee battery has multiple protection modes such as:
under-power protection, over-temperature protection,
battery core fault protection, battery core failure
protection. A battery is in protective mode when its LED
indicator blinks.
Jugee battery has 3 blinking patterns, and careful
observation can determine which pattern it falls under
and therefore appropriate remedial actions.
Blinking Immediately Upon Charging
Battery LED immediately start blinking when charger is
powered on. The can indicate either supply under-power