Picture 4. Showcase leveling with legs
Rotate legs into existing leg leveler holes to the level required for
horizontal installation of the pastry counter.
ATTENTION! Failure to perform these requirements can result in
increasing the noise during operation, additional vibrations, and
increase in electricity consumption.
3.4. Connecting Electricity and Startup
ATTENTION! After transporting the equipment, wait for about
2 hours before its launching.
The device should be connected to a separate, properly mounted
electrical circuit with a grounding socket. The system of power supply must be maintained with automatic circuit breakers.
Strongly avoid connecting through extension cords.
ATTENTION! Extension cords can pose a real risk of injury, short circuit, or fire.
Before connecting the pastry counter to the power supply, make sure that the switches on the control panel are in the
O - «OFF» position. When voltage is supplied, the switches must light up (switches are equipped with light diodes, so when
the voltage is supplied, they must light up).
ATTENTION! If switches do not respond to the connection of power supply, turn off the device and contact the
service centre.
1 - main switch (red colored/ turns on the unit);
2 - lighting switch (green colored);
3 - electronic controller panel.
Picture 5. Control panel.