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2-11. Winding bobbin thread
(1) When performing winding bobbin thread while performing sewing
(2) When performing winding bobbin thread only
Display the bobbin winding screen.
Press BOBBIN WINDER button
n the data nput
screen (blue) and the bobbn wndng screen s dsplayed.
start bobbin winding.
Depress the start pedal, and the sewng machne rotates and
starts wndng bobbn thread.
stop the sewing machine.
Press STOP button
and the sewng machne stops
and returns to the normal mode. Or, depress the start pedal
agan durng wndng bobbn and the sewng machne stops
whle the bobbn thread wndng mode stays as t s. Depress
the start pedal agan and the bobbn wndng starts agan. Use
ths way when wndng bobbn thread around plural bobbns.
Bobbin winder does not work immediately after turning on the power. Perform the bob-
bin winding after setting pattern no. or the like once, pressing the rEaDY key
and making the sewing lED light up.
Thread the bobbn wnder and wnd the bobbn
thread onto the bobbin as illustrated in the figure.