4-3 Adjustment of the straight stitch lock
When selected the straight stitch (left-side needle line or central needle line), adjust the lateal play of the
needle bar.
1. Turn the stitch pattern dial and set to the straight stitch (left-side needle line).
2. Turn the hand wheel, and adjust so that the tip of the needle comes to the upper face
of the throat plate.
3. Turn the adjusting screw in the figure, and adjust so that the lateral play of the needle bar
becomes 0 to 1 mm (0.2 to 0.3 mm is recommended.).
No lateral play Change of the needle entry point, uneasy movement of the stitch
pattern dial, uneven rotation.
Excessive lateral play The movement of the needle bar is excessive when threading.
Worm gear
Timing belt
Feed knob
Needle bar
Lateral play: 0 to 1 mm
(0.2 to 0.3 mm is recommended)
Remove the front cover. (Including the front cover, throat plate, bottom cover and rear cover)