Activate the function and use the + and - buttons to set the required hot water return line
temperature. Setting range 2 to 95°C, factory setting 40°C.
Press the SET button. --- flashes to denote that the function is disabled.
Press the ESC button to save the settings and exit the menu. The settings are saved automatically.
The menu closes after 20 seconds of inactivity.
BYPR: Transfer of thermal excess energy from the storage tank
This function is independent of the solar collector array. It is used to transfer excess thermal energy from
the storage tank to other units, thereby keeping the tank temperature constant. This requires an extra
pump or solenoid valve, which is connected to output R3.
For example
If the activation temperature for the transfer of excess thermal energy is set to 70°C, and the storage tank
temperature (T2) rises to 71°C, the pump/solenoid valve (R1) and the solar collector circulation pump
(P1) are activated simultaneously. When the storage tank temperature (T2) drops to 67°C, the
pump/solenoid valve (R1) and the solar collector circulation pump (P1) are switched off.
Open the FUN menu and BYPR submenu. BYPR --- is displayed.
Press the SET button. --- flashes. The factory setting is disabled.
Press the SET button to activate the function to transfer excess thermal energy. BYPR 80°C is
displayed. 80°C flashes.
Press + and - buttons to set the required temperature. Setting range 5 to 120°C.
Press the ESC button to save the settings and exit the menu. The settings are saved automatically.
The menu closes after 20 seconds of inactivity.
If this symbol is displayed, the BYPR function is activated.
For example
HND: Manual control
The controller outputs P1, P2, R1, H1 can be switched on and off manually the first-time the controller is
used, or when troubleshooting the controller.