CAUTION: ANSI/TIA/EIA-568 cables such as Category 5e and Category 6 can get
electrostatically charged. To dissipate this charge, always ground the cables to a suitable
and safe earth ground before connecting them to the system.
Attention Les câbles ANSI/TIA/EIA-568, par exemple Cat 5e et Cat 6, peuvent
emmagasiner des charges électrostatiques. Pour évacuer ces charges, reliez toujours les
câbles à une prise de terre adaptée avant de les raccorder au système.
Site Electrical Wiring Guidelines
describes the factors you must consider while planning the electrical wiring at
your site.
WARNING: You must provide a properly grounded and shielded environment and use
electrical surge-suppression devices.
Avertissement Vous devez établir un environnement protégé et convenablement mis à
la terre et utiliser des dispositifs de parasurtension.
Table 54: Site Electrical Wiring Guidelines
Site Wiring
If your site experiences any of the following problems, consult experts in electrical surge
suppression and shielding:
Improperly installed wires cause radio frequency interference (RFI).
Damage from lightning strikes occurs when wires exceed recommended distances or pass
between buildings.
Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) caused by lightning damage unshielded conductors and
electronic devices.