3.6 Installing the Management Engine Driver
To install the management engine driver:
1. Close any running applications.
2. Insert the JYTEK All-in-One USB Flash Driver (x: denotes the USB driver)
◦ The Win7 32-bit management engine driver is located in the directory: x:\Driver
Installation\PXI Platform\PXI controller\PXI-63980\Win7_32bit\ME\
◦ The Win7 64-bit management engine driver is located in the directory: x:\Driver
Installation\PXI Platform\PXI controller\PXI-63980\Win7_64bit\ME\
3. Execute MEI_ALLOS_6.1.0.1042_PV.exe or setup.exeand follow on-screen
instructions to complete the setup.
4. Reboot the system
3�7 Installing the PXI Trigger Driver
The PXI-63980 controller provides a trigger I/O on the faceplate to route the trigger signal
to and from the PXI trigger bus. Please see Appendix A: PXI Trigger I/O Function Reference
for programming information.
To install the PXI trigger driver:
1. Close any running applications.
2. Insert the JYTEK All-in-One USB Flash Driver (x: denotes the USB driver)
◦ The Win7 32-bit PXI trigger driver is located in the directory: x:\Driver Installation\
PXI Platform\PXI controller\PXI-63980\Win7_32bit\TriggerIO\
◦ The Win7 64-bit PXI trigger driver is located in the directory: x:\Driver Installation\
PXI Platform\PXI controller\PXI-63980\Win7_64bit\TriggerIO\
3. Execute PXI Trigger IO setup v330.exe and follow onscreen instructions to complete
the setup
4. Reboot the system
3�8 Installing the WDT Driver
The WDT (watchdog timer) resets the system when the operating system or application is
halted. The WDT typically starts and periodically resets the timer, and when the timer is
expired, the system resets. Please refer to Appendix B: Watchdog Timer for programming
To install the WDT driver:
1. Close any running applications.
2. Insert the JYTEK All-in-One USB Flash Driver (x: denotes the USB driver)
◦ The Win7 32-bit WDT driver is located in the directory: x:\Driver Installation\PXI
Platform\PXI controller\PXI-63980\Win7_32bit\WDT\
◦ The Win7 64-bit WDT driver is located in the directory: x:\Driver Installation\PXI
Platform\PXI controller\PXI-63980\Win7_64bit\WDT\