Switch Actuator with Secure
It will restart the staircase lights to redo the timing if receive the telegram of the object “Output of
staircase lighting” when selecting “restart duration of staircase lighting” during the staircase lighting;
while it will ignore the telegram with “Ignored the ‘start’ telegram”.
Parameter “Warning mode for ending of staircase lighting”
The parameter points out the alarm type when terminating the staircase lights, which will start the
prewarning notice before switching off. This prewarning time is included in the starting duration of the
staircase. There will be no alarm if selecting “Nothing”, as well as the lights is off before the prewarning
time. Options:
Via object
Flashing the channel output with OFF/ON
Via object & flashing the channel output
2 types of prewarning are provided:
--Via the communication object: set the value of the object “Warning of staircase” as “1” when
starting alarming and then send it to the bus;
--Via the output flashing: control the output flashing (a short switch), and the duration is 1 second.
These 2 types can be used independently or together. It will be the type of “by the communication
object” when it is “via object”, or the type of “by the lights flashing” with “flashing the channel output
with OFF/ON”; as well as mixed type with “via object & flashing the channel output”.
--Parameter “The warning time for ending of staircase lighting 0..59]”
The parameter is visible after selecting a prewarning type, and the duration of the prewarning:
0…59 s
Parameter “Modify the duration via object [0..60059s]”
It will activate the object “Duration of staircase” with 2 bytes when it is enabled to modify the
staircase lighting time, however it cannot modify the time if disabled.
NOTE: If the values of telegram for modification the duration is “0”, the staircase lighting will be