Switch Actuator with Secure
Parameter “Reply the status of contact state”
This parameter sets whether the device reply the switch state of the contact. Options:
Yes, “1”=contact close, “0”=contact open
Yes, “0”=contact close, “1”=contact open
Under the selecting of “Yes, ‘1’=contact close, ‘0’=contact open”, when there is some request from
other devices, the object “Reply status of contact” will send “1” to other devices if the contact is
closed; While if it is open, it will send “0” to the other devices.
It is quite the contrary when selecting “Yes, ‘0’=contact close, ‘1’=contact open”.
Note: After programmed or system reset, if switch status is assure, object “Relay status of
contact” will send status telegram to the bus: if it is not assure, status telegram will not be sent.
Parameter “Extension function”
This parameter defines whether enable the extension functions of the Heating actuator. The
parameter window “X: Function” will be seen with “active”, seen in Fig. 4.5(2). And able to set the
special functions individually.
Fig. 4.5(2) Parameter window “X: Function”