KNX Gateway for IR
Fig 5.3.2 (3) IR code library
The parameter setting windows of IR code number assignment of each combination control
function are as following, take two of these windows as an example to explain.
Auto/Fan/Dehumidification modes do not have adjustment of setpoint temperature, therefore, these
three modes settings are similar. And Heat/Cool modes have setpoint temperature, so that these two
modes settings are similar.
Fig.5.3.2(4) “Auto-Fan speed-Wind” parameter window
Parameter “1->Assign IR code NO. [1..300]”
This parameter is for setting the IR code number corresponding to the combination function.
Parameter “Control function”
This parameter notes the control function contained in this IR code. So that, we need find the IR
code number in the IR code library according to control function when the IR code number is assigned
for previous parameter.
As shown in the window, Auto-Auto-No Swing indicates that the control function is auto mode-auto
fan speed-no swing, the corresponding IR code number is 1.