W W W . K A A R T A . C O M
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Figure 15: Processed scans within the Maps folder.
The table below lists files and folders found within each main folder scan and indicates
whether the file is an artifact of post-processing. In addition, there are several files that
Stencil Pro uses repeatedly throughout the folder structure of a scan; you may see these
files in multiple folder locations. For example,
are found
within all folders where processing has occurred, and provide summary information
regarding the processing parameters and the Stencil Pro settings utilized.
Those files include:
- summary information of scan (including average confidence,
notes, and start time), as well as Stencil Pro software version and serial number. A
copy of this file is included in each processed folder.
- summary information of the Stencil Pro mode, start/end times,
trajectory length, number of map and trajectory points, and information related to
the GNSS data available during the scan. A copy of this file is included in each
processed folder.
- yaml file containing information during scanning/playback used to
perform processing tasks. A copy of this file is included in each processed folder.
- log files of post-processing run from the Processing tab of
Scan Details. There is also a logXXXXXXXXX.txt file located in the recordings/Main
Folder that tracks uploads to Kaarta Cloud (see table below).
- panoramic camera calibration information. A copy
of this file is included in each processed folder.
velodyne_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.yaml –
Velodyne scanner calibration information. A
copy of this file is included in each processed folder.