10. Press * Key
Press * key until CLb is displayed.
11. Close Container Door
12. Extend Bolt
CLo Rotate the container handle to extend the bolt. The lock will
display “---” while the bolt is moving. The bolt will stop moving when it
reaches the closed position and the lock will display CLo.
13. Press * Key
Press * key until the letters EC (Enter Combination) appear in the display
14 EC
Enter New Shelved Mode Combination
Enter the new shelved mode combination by pressing those digits on the lock’s
keypad. The numbers will be displayed as they are entered. The lock
will display “---” while the bolt is moving. The bolt will stop moving when it
reaches the open position and the lock will display OPn.
15. OPn
Retract Bolt
Rotate the container handle to to unlock the lock, and the lock display will be
16. Open Container Door
17. Close Container Door
18. Extend Bolt
CLo Rotate the container handle to extend the bolt. The lock will
display “---” while the bolt is moving. The bolt will stop moving when it
reaches the closed position and the lock will display CLo.
Gen2 Lock Menu Command List
# #
Display Audit Count (opening count)
# 0
Perform SA Key Operations (audit download, resync, clock set, bank user
table download, etc.)
# 1
Display Lock Level
# 2
Display Lock’s Serial Number
# 3
Display Lock’s Total Audit Count
# 4
Display Last Close Seal
# 8
Change shelved-mode or bank user’s combination
# 50
Enable Remote Administration
# 70
Display Active Modes and Activator Identiication
# 71
Display Internal UTC/GMT Date/Time
# 72
Display Local Date/Time
# 73
Display Key Type and Key Serial Number
# 74
Display Door Contact Switch Status
# 76
Display Activated Mode’s Software Level
# 77
Display Personal Identiier Clock
# 78
Display Last Opening, Local Date/Time
# 79
Display Activation Event, Local Date/Time
Lock requires mode user key to be presented.
All the prompts that request that a user key (blue FLM, yellow Route, or green Bank)
will do so by displaying the “IPI” after the command is entered. The difference to
note is that #73 and #77 will be reading and displaying information unique to a
particular key, whereas ##, #4, #72, #76, #78, and #79 are reading which particular
mode this key is associated with (FLM, Route, or Bank) and then displaying
information for that entire mode.