7. Apply lubricant to the retaining ring on the dial hub assembly and position the
retaining ring so that an equal amount of it is consistently exposed around the
hub. Also, apply grease from the lubricant tube to the entire ramp area just
inside the back of the dial and also to the inner surface of the 5-sided formed
clutch spring within the dial. (See Figures 27 and 28.)
Ensure that the retaining ring
gap is aligned with the setscrews and that
an equal amount of the retaining ring is
exposed around the hub so the dial can
slide easily into place on the hub without
interference from the retaining ring. (See
Figure 29.)
8. Ensure that the 5-sided fl at spring is
fully recessed in the dial with the spring
gap aligned with the internal key of the
dial. (See Figure 30.)
9. Carefully align the dial assembly such that the 5-sided formed spring matches
the fl ats of the dial hub assembly. Holding the dial square to the spindle, apply
pressure to the dial until the retaining ring seats in the dial. (See Figure 31.)
You should not be able to pull the dial away from the dial hub assembly.
The dial clutch should provide a slip torque of 7 to 25 inch pounds.
Retaining Ring Gap
Figure 28 - Apply Lubricant Inside Dial
Figure 27 - Apply Lubricant to
Ret. Ring
Figure 30 - 5-Sided Flat Spring in Dial
Figure 31 - Apply Pressure to Dial
Figure 29 - Align Retaining Ring