2 Release the container locking bolts if necessary (Different containers will have
different release mechanisms)
3 Insert the Change Key into the change key holes on the back of the lock (See
Figure 3)
4 Dial left (CCW) until the Change Key appears in the upper right hand corner of the
Caution: Release container locking bolts if
5. Dial the current combination(s), example
(50-25-50), as if to open the lock. If
currently operating in Supervisory/
Subordinate mode, enter the Supervisor’s
combination first.
6. Dial
right (CW) until the symbol SL (Select
Mode) is displayed.
7. Now dial
left (CCW) to select the mode of
01 — Single Combination Mode
02 — Dual Combination Mode
03 — Supervisory/Subordinate Mode
Stop on the desired number and pause briefly.
9. Dial right (CW). Based on the operating mode selected, set the new combination by
following the instructions in the next sections.
Caution: Do not use the “back up” method of dialing as described in Example “B” on
Page 3 when dialing to select the mode.
Using the Serial Number to Set Operating Mode and Combination
If you have lost or forgotten the current combination(s); you can use the serial number to
select the operating mode and change the combination(s):
1 Force an error by entering an incorrect 6 digit combination The lightning bolt will
2 While the lightning bolt is displayed, insert program key and turn dial left (CCW)until
you see the “Key” symbol (shown in Figure 3)
3 Continue to…
a dial left (CCW) to the First two digits of the serial number
b dial right (CW) to the Second two digits of the serial number
c dial left (CCW) to the Third two digits of the serial number
d dial right (CW) to the Fourth two digits of the serial number
4 Now dial left (CWW) until the symbol SL (Select Mode) is displayed
5 Continue to dial left (CCW) to select the mode of operation:
01 – Single Combination Mode
02 – Dual Combination Mode
03 – Supervisory/Subordinate Mode
6 Stop on the desired number and pause briefly
7 Dial right (CW) Based on the operating mode selected, set the new combination by
following the instructions in the next sections
figure 3 - Insert Change Key