4000 Programmable Electronic Pushbutton Lock
4 0 0 0 P r o g r a m m a b l e E l e c t r o n i c P u s h b u t t o n L o c k • P K 2 9 7 1
P a g e 1 0
2.4 Security:
the Master Authorization code from the factory default; you
do this.
Master, manager and user codes, (as you program them) in the Code Record
Log Sheet located at the end of this manual. Keep this sheet securely under lock
and key so that it will be accessible only to authorized personnel. If the log sheet
is properly maintained, you can avoid having to reprogram locks if a PIN code is
forgotten, particularly the Master code.
the mechanical override key in a secure location accessible to authorized
personnel in an emergency, but safe from theft.
a longer user code for higher security. Six digits provide 1,000,000 unique
combinations, making random guessing of codes extremely difficult.
the tamper shutdown time and/or reduce the number of attempts required
before the lock shuts down, if you are concerned about code guessing.
Do not lend
codes to persons other than the assigned user, at any time.
Codes must be kept secret.
2.4 Manual Programming Procedure
2.4.1 Programming Rules
A programming session is used to manage PIN codes and lock feature settings. During a
programming session, the following rules apply:
• Use the 8-digit Master authorization code or a 7-digit Manager authorization code
to start programming.
• Press the <#> key to start or end programming, and to separate each authorization
code, command code, or parameter entered using the keypad.
• Press the <#> key to separate each authorization code, command code, or parameter
entered using the keypad.
• Press the <*> key immediately to clear an incorrect command or parameter
(before pressing the <#> key). Once the <#> is pressed, the command is executed.
• If too much time elapses between key presses (more than 5 seconds), or too much
time to enter all the key sequence (more than 15 sec. the lock will leave programming
mode and return to normal mode.
• Press <#> after the last command is accepted to end the programming session.
During a programming session, you can continue entering commands one after the
other, until you have completed all desired programming. Then press <#>.